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An adaptive mixture view of particle filters

  • *Corresponding author: Nicola Branchini

    *Corresponding author: Nicola Branchini 
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  • Particle filters (PFs) are algorithms that approximate the so-called filtering distributions in complex state-space models. We present a unified view on PFs as importance sampling with adaptive mixture proposals. Existing PFs can be derived as special cases by making specific choices for the components of the mixture proposals and for the importance weights. Our perspective clarifies that the existing PFs implicitly construct particular mixture proposals where the components are chosen independently of each other. We exploit the introduced flexibility of our perspective to propose a class of algorithms, adaptive mixture particle filters (AM-PF). Following IS arguments, the aim is to optimize the mixture proposal to match (an approximation of) the filtering posterior. We discuss two particular cases of the framework, the improved APF (IAPF) and the optimized APF (OAPF). In both linear and nonlinear dynamical systems models, our mixture particle filters consistently show improved performance compared to widely used algorithms such as the bootstrap particle filter (BPF) and the auxiliary particle filter (APF). We conclude by outlining promising future directions opened by our framework.1

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 58F15, 58F17; Secondary: 53C35.


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  • Figure 1.  Toy Example. In this experiment we show that the proposals of AM-PF-based algorithms (IAPF and OAPF) are closer to true posteriors compared to the competitors. In the first row, we show the transition kernels $ f({\bf x}_t | {\bf x}_{t-1}^{(m)}) $ and the likelihood associated with the true filtering distribution. We calculated $ \chi^2 $-divergence for these examples in Table 1. Note that here OAPF uses transition kernels for the proposal and their means $ \boldsymbol{\mu}_{t | t-1}^{(m)} $ as evaluation points, with $ K = M $

    Figure 2.  (Linear Gaussian SSM.) Normalized (divided by the true value) MSE for the mean of a posterior distribution in the linear Gaussian state-space model, with 100 Monte Carlo replications. In this experiment, $ K $ was set to $ 5 $ for all numbers of particles, retaining performance. We found similar qualitative results for other values of the SSM parameters

    Figure 3.  (Lorenz 63 system.) The plot shows effective sample size (ESS) over timesteps for $ 1000 $ Monte Carlo replications. In the legend we show the value of $ K $, which was set based on $ M = 1000 $, the number of particles. In this example, we show that unlike in the linear Gaussian system, unfortunately reducing too much the number of kernels $ K $ impacts performance for these settings of the system parameters. When $ K = M $, OAPF outperforms the other algorithms, which suggests that indeed the proposal constructed by the optimization of the mixture weights better matches the posterior distribution

    Figure 4.  Here, we show for the Lorenz 63 experiment, (ⅰ) runtime (in seconds) per iteration in $ t $ (ⅱ) ESS and (ⅲ) ESS/runtime, vs the number of particles $ M \in \{ 100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900, 1000 \} $. The AM-PF algorithms (IAPF, OAPF) clearly suffer from the $ M^2 $ computational cost as discussed in Section 3. Recall that ESS is bounded by $ M $. Also, notice how the ESS for OAPF grows almost linearly as a function of $ M $.

    Table 1.  Values of the Pearson $ \chi^2 $ divergence between the mixture proposal and the target; lower is better

    Algorithm $ \chi^2 $(Fig. 1a) $ \chi^2 $(Fig. 1b) $ \chi^2 $(Fig. 1c) $ \chi^2 $(Fig. 1d)
    BPF 1.89 0.22 2.31 1.72
    APF 0.30 0.16 0.27 0.36
    IAPF 0.12 0.24 0.31 0.28
    OAPF 0.0043 0.09 0.08 0.08
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