Distribution | Priors | Computation | Trainable Parameters |
We introduce physics-informed multimodal autoencoders (PIMA) - a variational inference framework for discovering shared information in multimodal datasets. Individual modalities are embedded into a shared latent space and fused through a product-of-experts formulation, enabling a Gaussian mixture prior to identify shared features. Sampling from clusters allows cross-modal generative modeling, with a mixture-of-experts decoder that imposes inductive biases from prior scientific knowledge and thereby imparts structured disentanglement of the latent space. This approach enables cross-modal inference and the discovery of features in high-dimensional heterogeneous datasets. Consequently, this approach provides a means to discover fingerprints in multimodal scientific datasets and to avoid traditional bottlenecks related to high-fidelity measurement and characterization of scientific datasets.
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Figure 1. Individual modalities are encoded into Gaussian distributions in a shared latent space. During training, the posterior is sampled from a product-of-experts distribution fusing complementary information into a shared multimodal Gaussian distribution. A Gaussian mixture prior parameterizes clusters encoding cross-modal shared information. Sampling from mixture components provides generative models using either black-box decoders or expert physics models incorporating prior physics knowledge. To facilitate cross-modal generative inference, a random selection of modalities is used on each epoch of training to encourage unimodal embeddings to reproduce the multimodal embedding, allowing inference of $ p(c|X_i) $. The MNIST dataset is shown here, where images are augmented with a synthetic, linear modality whose slope matches the digit label. A linear model for each cluster is used as the expert decoder for the synthetic modality, and successful unsupervised disentanglement implies multimodal fingerprint detection
Figure 2. Experimental setup for test examples. For unsupervised multimodal MNIST, we use training images (A1) and we replace the labels on digits $ c\in \left\{ {0, \dots, 9} \right\} $ by a sample of the function (A2) $ X_2 = ct + \epsilon $, for $ t \in [0,1] $ and Gaussian noise $ \epsilon $. For neural ODE MNIST, we use the training images (A1) and replace the label on digits by solutions to an ODE system (A3). For VDoS, we use the 1D VDoS data (B1) and the corresponding 0D average stress (B2)
Figure 3. MNIST clusters in the latent space and resulting confusion matrices for a) multimodal dataset with dropout, b) multimodal dataset without dropout, c) unimodal $ X_1 $ image dataset, d) unimodal $ X_2 $ 1D dataset. The white ellipses in the latent space represent two standard deviations of each cluster in the GMM. The approximate banding of the matrix in a) and b) illustrates that the sequential embedding of clusters limits misclassified digits to numbers with similar values in $ X_2 $
Figure 4. MNIST clusters, confusion matrix, and accuracy for the best PIMA run on the multimodal ODE dataset with an encoding dimension of size 3. With a NODEs expert model, maximum test accuracy achieved is 100.0%. With data-driven models, the average test accuracies are 82.3% and 62.6% for large and small 1D convolutional architectures, respectively. Statistics are computed from 10 independent runs
Figure 6. PIMA results on the VDoS dataset. VDoS latent space (left) with four clusters, where embedded data points are colored by the normalized true stress values. (Right) Nearest true VDoS data to the means of each cluster in the latent space, colored by the normalized stress. Results show a latent space organized by stress and VDoS profiles; when referencing the data generation information in Figure 7, we also see clusters 0 and 2 are differentiated by compression type, indicating discovery of hidden features
Table 1.
Distributions, priors, variables, and trainable parameters. Here the
Distribution | Priors | Computation | Trainable Parameters |
Table 2.
Unsupervised classification accuracy for MNIST. Results gathered from [2], [21] and [11] denoted by *,
Method | CNN SotA |
VaDE |
Notes | Supervised | 10 clusters | 16 clusters | |||
Acc. (max) | 99.91% | 72.94% | 84.30% | 94.46% | 88.54% | 96.92% |
Acc. (mean±stdev) | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | 82.31% (3.75%) | 87.82% (5.33%) |
Method | PIMA | PIMA | PIMA | PIMA | PIMA | |
Notes | multimodal dropout | multimodal no dropout | - |
- |
multi., no expert dropout | |
Acc. (max) | 99.79% | 99.59% | 14.84% | 53.37% | 58.36% | |
Acc. (mean±stdev) | 90.31% (14.81%) | 87.95% (11.70%) | - | - | - | |
39.15% | 11.26% | - | - | 50.34% | ||
99.92% | 32.39% | - | - | 56.22% |
Table 3.
Ground-truth ODE parameters
label ( |
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
0.5 | .833 | 1.166 | 1.5 | 1.833 | |
identified |
0.4997 | 0.8339 | 1.1661 | 1.4999 | 1.8339 |
label ( |
5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
2.166 | 2.5 | 2.833 | 3.166 | 3.5 | |
identified |
2.1669 | 2.5010 | 2.8330 | 3.1673 | 3.4989 |
Table 4. Hyperparameters for each experiment
learning rate | encoding dim | number of clusters | number of epochs | |
Experiment 4.1 | 2 | 10 | 40,000 | |
Experiment 4.2 | 3 | 10 | 10,000 | |
Experiment 4.3 | 2 | 4 | 40,000 |
Table 5. Model decisions for each experiment
DOFs Rescaling | Single Decoder per Modality | Dropout | Expert Model | |
Experiment 4.1 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Experiment 4.2 | ✓ | ✓ | ||
Experiment 4.3 | ✓ | ✓ |
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Individual modalities are encoded into Gaussian distributions in a shared latent space. During training, the posterior is sampled from a product-of-experts distribution fusing complementary information into a shared multimodal Gaussian distribution. A Gaussian mixture prior parameterizes clusters encoding cross-modal shared information. Sampling from mixture components provides generative models using either black-box decoders or expert physics models incorporating prior physics knowledge. To facilitate cross-modal generative inference, a random selection of modalities is used on each epoch of training to encourage unimodal embeddings to reproduce the multimodal embedding, allowing inference of
Experimental setup for test examples. For unsupervised multimodal MNIST, we use training images (A1) and we replace the labels on digits
MNIST clusters in the latent space and resulting confusion matrices for a) multimodal dataset with dropout, b) multimodal dataset without dropout, c) unimodal
MNIST clusters, confusion matrix, and accuracy for the best PIMA run on the multimodal ODE dataset with an encoding dimension of size 3. With a NODEs expert model, maximum test accuracy achieved is 100.0%. With data-driven models, the average test accuracies are 82.3% and 62.6% for large and small 1D convolutional architectures, respectively. Statistics are computed from 10 independent runs
Ground-truth trajectories (black solid lines) and reconstructed trajectories (dashed lines) by solving IVPs with the learned ODE parameters
PIMA results on the VDoS dataset. VDoS latent space (left) with four clusters, where embedded data points are colored by the normalized true stress values. (Right) Nearest true VDoS data to the means of each cluster in the latent space, colored by the normalized stress. Results show a latent space organized by stress and VDoS profiles; when referencing the data generation information in Figure 7, we also see clusters 0 and 2 are differentiated by compression type, indicating discovery of hidden features
(Left) Number of specimens per cluster from the training dataset that underwent uniaxial compression, hydrostatic compression, or no compression. (Right) Predicted vs. true normalized average stress values over entire VDoS dataset