$ r=-3/2 $ | $ r=-1/2 $ | $ r=1/2 $ | |
$ \mathrm{EE} $ | 0.714 (0.738) | 0.818 (0.815) | 0.867 (0.864) |
$ \mathrm{FF} $ | 0.455 (0.455) | 0.818 (0.818) | 1.000 (1.003) |
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Computationally efficient surrogates for parametrized physical models play a crucial role in science and engineering. Operator learning provides data-driven surrogates that map between function spaces. However, instead of full-field measurements, often the available data are only finite-dimensional parametrizations of model inputs or finite observables of model outputs. Building on Fourier Neural Operators, this paper introduces the Fourier Neural Mappings (FNMs) framework that is able to accommodate such finite-dimensional vector inputs or outputs. The paper develops universal approximation theorems for the method. Moreover, in many applications the underlying parameter-to-observable (PtO) map is defined implicitly through an infinite-dimensional operator, such as the solution operator of a partial differential equation. A natural question is whether it is more data-efficient to learn the PtO map end-to-end or first learn the solution operator and subsequently compute the observable from the full-field solution. A theoretical analysis of Bayesian nonparametric regression of linear functionals, which is of independent interest, suggests that the end-to-end approach can actually have worse sample complexity. Extending beyond the theory, numerical results for the FNM approximation of three nonlinear PtO maps demonstrate the benefits of the operator learning perspective that this paper adopts.
Citation: |
Figure 1. Illustration of the factorization of an underlying PtO map into a QoI and an operator between function spaces. Also shown are the four variants of input and output representations considered in this work. Here, $ \mathcal{U} $ is an input function space and $ \mathcal{Y} $ is an intermediate function space
Figure 2. (EE) vs. (FF) convergence rate exponents (40) as a function of QoI regularity exponent $ r $. Larger exponents imply faster convergence rates. As the curves gets lighter, $ \alpha+\beta $, an indicator of the smoothness of the problem, increases. The vertical dashed line corresponds to $ r = -1/2 $, which is the transition point where (EE) and (FF) have the same rate and the onset of power law decay for the QoI coefficients begins
Figure 3. Empirical sample complexity of the Bayesian (EE) and (FF) estimators for linear PtO maps based on a Poisson problem. The solid purple lines are best linear fits to the broken curves with markers, which correspond to numerically computed squared errors. In all three figures, the experimentally observed convergence rates are nearly perfect matches to those from the theoretical upper bounds in Corollary 4.11 (see Table 1)
Figure 5. Empirical sample complexity of FNM and NN architectures for the advection–diffusion PtO map (note that Figure 5a has a different vertical axis range). The shaded regions denote two standard deviations away from the mean of the test error over $ 5 $ realizations of the random training dataset indices, batch indices during SGD, and model parameter initializations
Figure 7. Flow over an airfoil. The 1D (bottom) and 2D (top) latent spaces are illustrated at the center; the input functions $ \phi_a $ encoding the irregular physical domains, are shown on the left; and the output functions $ p\circ\phi_a $ representing the pressure field on the irregular physical domains, are depicted on the right
Figure 8. Flow over an airfoil. Comparative analysis of relative test error versus data size for the FNM and NN approaches. The shaded regions denote two standard deviations away from the mean of the test error over $ 5 $ realizations of the batch indices during SGD and model parameter initializations
Figure 9. Diagram showing the homogenization experiment ground truth maps. The function $ A $ is parametrized by a finite vector $ z $. The quantity of interest $ \overline{A} $ (56) is computed from both the material function $ A $ and the solution $ \chi $ to the cell problem (57). Note that both $ A $ and $ \chi $ are functions on the torus $ \mathbb{T}^2 $
Figure 10. Elliptic homogenization problem. Absolute $ \overline{A} $ error in the Frobenius norm versus data size for the FNM and NN architectures. The shaded regions denote two standard deviations away from the mean of the test error over $ 5 $ realizations of batch indices during SGD and model parameter initializations
Table 1.
Sample complexity comparison experiment. The entries of the table record the theoretical vs. experimental (in parentheses) convergence rate exponents
$ r=-3/2 $ | $ r=-1/2 $ | $ r=1/2 $ | |
$ \mathrm{EE} $ | 0.714 (0.738) | 0.818 (0.815) | 0.867 (0.864) |
$ \mathrm{FF} $ | 0.455 (0.455) | 0.818 (0.818) | 1.000 (1.003) |
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Illustration of the factorization of an underlying PtO map into a QoI and an operator between function spaces. Also shown are the four variants of input and output representations considered in this work. Here,
(EE) vs. (FF) convergence rate exponents (40) as a function of QoI regularity exponent
Empirical sample complexity of the Bayesian (EE) and (FF) estimators for linear PtO maps based on a Poisson problem. The solid purple lines are best linear fits to the broken curves with markers, which correspond to numerically computed squared errors. In all three figures, the experimentally observed convergence rates are nearly perfect matches to those from the theoretical upper bounds in Corollary 4.11 (see Table 1)
Visualization of the velocity-to-state map for the advection–diffusion model. Rows denote the dimension of the KL expansion of the velocity profile and columns display representative input and output fields
Empirical sample complexity of FNM and NN architectures for the advection–diffusion PtO map (note that Figure 5a has a different vertical axis range). The shaded regions denote two standard deviations away from the mean of the test error over
Flow over an airfoil. From left to right: visualization of the cubic design element and different airfoil configurations, guided by the displacement field of the control nodes; a close-up view of the
Flow over an airfoil. The 1D (bottom) and 2D (top) latent spaces are illustrated at the center; the input functions
Flow over an airfoil. Comparative analysis of relative test error versus data size for the FNM and NN approaches. The shaded regions denote two standard deviations away from the mean of the test error over
Diagram showing the homogenization experiment ground truth maps. The function
Elliptic homogenization problem. Absolute