Computational budget | ||
10 | 8 | 1126 |
100 | 88 | 11263 |
1000 | 887 | 112631 |
Machine learning (ML) methods, which fit data to the parameters of a given parameterized model class, have garnered significant interest as potential methods for learning surrogate models for complex engineering systems where traditional simulation is expensive. However, in many scientific and engineering settings, generating high-fidelity data to train ML models is expensive, and the available budget for generating training data is limited, making high-fidelity training data scarce. ML models trained on scarce data have high variance, resulting in poor expected generalization performance. We propose a new multifidelity training approach for scientific machine learning via linear regression that exploits the scientific context where data of varying fidelities and costs are available; for example, high-fidelity data may be generated by an expensive fully resolved physics simulation whereas lower-fidelity data may arise from a cheaper model based on simplifying assumptions. We use the multifidelity data within an approximate control variate framework to define new multifidelity Monte Carlo estimators for linear regression models. We provide bias and variance analysis of our new estimators that guarantee the approach's accuracy and improved robustness to scarce high-fidelity data. Numerical results demonstrate that our multifidelity training approach achieves similar accuracy to the standard high-fidelity-only approach, significantly reducing high-fidelity data requirements.
Citation: |
Figure 1. Exponential function example: Box plots of 500 realizations of estimators for first entry of $ \hat{c}_{XY} $ (left), first regression coefficient (center), and regression model prediction $ \hat{f}(z = 5;\hat{\beta}) $ (right), when true model statistics are known. Black lines show the mean over the 500 realizations of training data and the dotted gray line shows the true reference value
Figure 4. PDE model problem: convergence of multifidelity linear regression estimators for $ \hat c_{XY} $ (top), $ \hat\beta $ (middle), and $ \hat f(z;\hat\beta) $ (bottom), when model statistics are estimated using $ 10^5 $ (left), 100 (center), or 10 (right) pilot samples. Results for the multifidelity approach with the optimal matrix coefficient are omitted in the second and third columns because their variances are so large that they would significantly distort the plot axes
Table 1. Sample allocations for different computational budgets based on (10), assuming exact model statistics for the analytic example
Computational budget | ||
10 | 8 | 1126 |
100 | 88 | 11263 |
1000 | 887 | 112631 |
Table 2. Analytical example: variances of key regression quantities estimated using high-fidelity-only and multifidelity strategies with a computational budget equivalent to 10 high-fidelity samples. Values correspond to using exact model statistics to compute the control variate coefficient
MF- |
3.2e5 | 1.3e3 | 3.3e2 |
MF- |
1.2e6 | 1.1e4 | 8.1e2 |
MF- |
1.6e6 | 1.4e4 | 8.1e2 |
High-fidelity only | 3.4e7 | 5.2e4 | 2.9e4 |
Table 3.
High-sample model statistics for the high- and low-fidelity models for the CDR problem using
Model | |||||
High-fidelity (FD) | 1406 | 276 | 1 | 1.94 | |
Low-fidelity (POD-DEIM) | 1349 | 356 | 0.95 | 6.2e-395 |
Table 4. Sample allocation based on (10) for the CDR problem based on reference model statistics computed using all available samples in the data set
Computational budget | ||
10 | 4 | 250 |
100 | 43 | 2504 |
1000 | 435 | 25045 |
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Exponential function example: Box plots of 500 realizations of estimators for first entry of
Exponential example: comparing models learned with the standard high-fidelity-only (HF) and proposed multifidelity (MF) training approach
Analytical example: convergence of multifidelity linear regression estimators for
PDE model problem: convergence of multifidelity linear regression estimators for
Generalization error over 1000 unseen test data. Plotted lines and shaded regions are the mean and first standard deviation over 500 learned models trained on independent realizations of training data