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Identification of a real constant in linear evolution equations in Hilbert spaces

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • Let $H$ be a real separable Hilbert space and $A:\mathcal{D}(A) \to H$ be a positive and self-adjoint (unbounded) operator, and denote by $A^\sigma$ its power of exponent $\sigma \in [-1,1)$. We consider the identification problem consisting in searching for a function $u:[0,T] \to H$ and a real constant $\mu$ that fulfill the initial-value problem $$ u' + Au = \mu \, A^\sigma u, \quad t \in (0,T), \quad u(0) = u_0, $$ and the additional condition $$ \alpha \|u(T)\|^{2} + \beta \int_{0}^{T}\|A^{1/2}u(\tau)\|^{2}d\tau = \rho, $$ where $u_{0} \in H$, $u_{0} \neq 0$ and $\alpha, \beta \geq 0$, $\alpha+\beta > 0$ and $\rho >0$ are given. By means of a finite-dimensional approximation scheme, we construct a unique solution $(u,\mu)$ of suitable regularity on the whole interval $[0,T]$, and exhibit an explicit continuous dependence estimate of Lipschitz-type with respect to the data $u_{0}$ and $\rho $. Also, we provide specific applications to second and fourth-order parabolic initial-boundary value problems.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 35R30, 35K90; Secondary: 35K20, 35K25, 65N30.


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