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PHLST with adaptive tiling and its application to antarctic remote sensing image approximation

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • We propose an efficient nonlinear approximation scheme using the Polyharmonic Local Sine Transform (PHLST) of Saito and Remy combined with an algorithm to tile a given image automatically and adaptively according to its local smoothness and singularities. To measure such local smoothness, we introduce the so-called local Besov indices of an image, which is based on the pointwise modulus of smoothness of the image. Such an adaptive tiling of an image is important for image approximation using PHLST because PHLST stores the corner and boundary information of each tile and consequently it is wasteful to divide a smooth region of a given image into a set of smaller tiles. We demonstrate the superiority of the proposed algorithm using Antarctic remote sensing images over the PHLST using the uniform tiling. Analysis of such images including their efficient approximation and compression has gained its importance due to the global climate change.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 42C40, 65D18; Secondary: 68W25.


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