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Compressive optical deflectometric tomography: A constrained total-variation minimization approach

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • Optical Deflectometric Tomography (ODT) provides an accurate characterization of transparent materials whose complex surfaces present a real challenge for manufacture and control. In ODT, the refractive index map (RIM) of a transparent object is reconstructed by measuring light deflection under multiple orientations. We show that this imaging modality can be made compressive, i.e., a correct RIM reconstruction is achievable with far less observations than required by traditional minimum energy (ME) or Filtered Back Projection (FBP) methods. Assuming a cartoon-shape RIM model, this reconstruction is driven by minimizing the map Total-Variation under a fidelity constraint with the available observations. Moreover, two other realistic assumptions are added to improve the stability of our approach: the map positivity and a frontier condition. Numerically, our method relies on an accurate ODT sensing model and on a primal-dual minimization scheme, including easily the sensing operator and the proposed RIM constraints. We conclude this paper by demonstrating the power of our method on synthetic and experimental data under various compressive scenarios. In particular, the potential compressiveness of the stabilized ODT problem is demonstrated by observing a typical gain of 24 dB compared to ME and of 30 dB compared to FBP at only 5% of 360 incident light angles for moderately noisy sensing.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 68U10, 94A08; Secondary: 44A12, 92C55.


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