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Near-field imaging of obstacles

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • A novel method is developed for solving the inverse obstacle scattering problem in near-field imaging. The obstacle surface is assumed to be a small and smooth deformation of a circle. Using the transformed field expansion, the direct obstacle scattering problem is reduced to a successive sequence of two-point boundary value problems. Analytical solutions of these problems are derived by a Green's function method. The nonlinear inverse problem is linearized by dropping the higher order terms in the power series expansion. Based on the linear model and analytical solutions, an explicit reconstruction formula is obtained. In addition, a nonlinear correction scheme is devised to improve the results dramatically when the deformation is large. The method requires only a single incident wave at a fixed frequency. Numerical tests show that the method is stable and effective for near-field imaging of obstacles with subwavelength resolution.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 58F15, 58F17; Secondary: 53C35.


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