ZS [52] | SHP [39] | Proposed | |
Figure 4(b) | 1.3799 | 0.6495 | 0.5308 |
Figure 5(e) | 0.4043 | 0.3753 | 0.3751 |
Figure 5(f) | 0.3959 | 0.3950 | 0.3684 |
Figure 5(g) | 0.4811 | 0.4455 | 0.3064 |
Figure 5(h) | 0.4823 | 0.4756 | 0.3418 |
In this paper, we focus on the challenging problem of removing the spatially varying out-of-focus blur from a single natural image. We first propose an effective method to estimate the blur map by the total variation refinement on Hölder coefficient, then discuss the properties of the corresponding kernel matrix. A tight-frame based energy functional, whose minimizer is related to the optimal defocus result, is thus built. For tackling functional more efficiently, we describe the numerical procedure based on an accelerated primal-dual scheme. To verify the effectiveness of our method, we compare it with some state-of-the-art schemes using both synthesized and natural images. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method performs better than the compared methods.
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Figure 3. The blur maps of Figure 1(a) ($800\times 600$ pixels): (a) the rough blur map $\boldsymbol{\tilde{\sigma}}$; (b) the refined blur map $\boldsymbol{{\sigma}}$.
Figure 4. (a) a sharp image (size:100$\times$ 400); (b) a blur version of (a) (the blur levels are 1 and 4 for 171th-230th and 271th-330th columns, respectively); (c)-(e) the blur maps genrated by ZS [52], SHP [39] and proposed methods; (f) the ground truth of blur map; (g) corresponding profiles of 1-st line for (c)-(f).
Figure 5. (a) and (b) are original images; (c) and (d) are two blur maps (range: 1-5); (e): the blurred version of (a) using (c) as blur map; (f): the blurred version of (a) using (d) as blur map; (g): the blurred version of (b) using (c) as blur map; (h): the blurred version of (b) using (d) as blur map.
Figure 6. Synthesised experiments: (A1-A5)/(B1-B5) are the deblurred results (with zoomed regions) of Figure 5(e)/(f) by Matlab, XJ [49], CJLS [8], SHP [39], and proposed methods, respectively.
Figure 7. Synthesised experiments: (A1-A5)/(B1-B5) are the deblurred results (with zoomed regions) of Figure 5(g)/(h) by Matlab, XJ [49], CJLS [8], SHP [39], and proposed methods, respectively.
ZS [52] | SHP [39] | Proposed | |
Figure 4(b) | 1.3799 | 0.6495 | 0.5308 |
Figure 5(e) | 0.4043 | 0.3753 | 0.3751 |
Figure 5(f) | 0.3959 | 0.3950 | 0.3684 |
Figure 5(g) | 0.4811 | 0.4455 | 0.3064 |
Figure 5(h) | 0.4823 | 0.4756 | 0.3418 |
Table 2. Time comparison with other methods (second).
Figure 5(e) | Figure 5(f) | Figure 5(g) | Figure 5(h) | Figure 9(a) | Figure 10(a) | Figure 11(a) | |
image size | 300 × 286 | 300 × 286 | 265 × 300 | 265 × 300 | 200 × 300 | 800 × 600 | 534 × 800 |
Matlab | 1.18 | 1.22 | 1.00 | 1.17 | 2.03 | 6.70 | 6.00 |
XJ [49](C) | 6.45 | 6.55 | 6.36 | 6.35 | 11.43 | 18.01 | 16.95 |
CJLS [8] | 86.59 | 83.74 | 88.27 | 89.84 | 194.95 | 780.30 | 693.77 |
SHP [39] | 70.21 | 69.40 | 72.26 | 71.55 | 126.37 | 187.01 | 168.68 |
Proposed | 38.33 | 37.60 | 34.98 | 36.46 | 93.45 | 137.93 | 141.32 |
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The spatially-varying blurring images.
The distributions of the NHC for in-focus (red) and blur images (blue).
The blur maps of Figure 1(a) (
(a) a sharp image (size:100
(a) and (b) are original images; (c) and (d) are two blur maps (range: 1-5); (e): the blurred version of (a) using (c) as blur map; (f): the blurred version of (a) using (d) as blur map; (g): the blurred version of (b) using (c) as blur map; (h): the blurred version of (b) using (d) as blur map.
Synthesised experiments: (A1-A5)/(B1-B5) are the deblurred results (with zoomed regions) of Figure 5(e)/(f) by Matlab, XJ [49], CJLS [8], SHP [39], and proposed methods, respectively.
Synthesised experiments: (A1-A5)/(B1-B5) are the deblurred results (with zoomed regions) of Figure 5(g)/(h) by Matlab, XJ [49], CJLS [8], SHP [39], and proposed methods, respectively.
PSNR, SSIM, and SI values corresponding to each figure.
Original image and its deblurred results with zoomed regions. (a) The original image (RGB,
Original image and its deblurred results with zoomed regions. (a) The original image (RGB,
Original image and its deblurred results with zoomed regions. (a) The original image (RGB,