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Edge-adaptive $ \ell_2 $ regularization image reconstruction from non-uniform Fourier data

Rick Archibald's work is sponsored by the Applied Mathematics Division of ASCR, DOE; in particular under the ACUMEN project (RA). Anne Gelb's work is supported in part by the grants NSF-DMS 1502640, NSF-DMS 1732434, AFOSR FA9550-18-1-0316 and AFOSR FA9550-15-1-0152

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  • Signals and images recovered from edge-sparsity based reconstruction methods may not truely be sparse in the edge domain, and often result in poor quality reconstruction. Iteratively reweighted methods provide some improvement in accuracy, but at the cost of extended runtime. This paper examines such methods when data are acquired as non-uniform Fourier samples, and then presents a new non-iterative weighted regularization method that first pre-processes the data to determine the precise locations of the non-zero values in the edge domain. Our new method is both accurate and efficient, and outperforms reweighted regularization methods in several numerical experiments.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 68U10, 65F22; Secondary: 42A10.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  Non-uniform sampling $ { λ}_{\bf{k}} $ as in (5)

    Figure 13.  $ 257\times257 $ pixel Shepp-Logan phantom

    Figure 2.  $ f_1(x) $ (top) and $ f_2(x) $ (bottom) reconstructed via Algorithm 1 using $ m = 1 $ from $ 257 $ Fourier modes on $ 257 $ grid points. The red reconstructions indicate recovery from noise-free data as in (1), while yellow reconstructions are recovered from Fourier coefficients with zero-mean complex Gaussian noise added as in (3). Here we use a signal to noise ratio (SNR) of $ 20 $ dB. For $ f_1(x) $, we used parameters $ \rho = 1 $, $ \ell_{max} = 25 $, and $ \epsilon = 1.9 $. For $ f_2(x) $, we used parameters $ \rho = 1 $, $ \ell_{max} = 25 $, and $ \epsilon = 2.9 $

    Figure 3.  (Left) $ 257\times257 $ pixel function $ f_3(x,y) $; (Middle) reconstruction via Algorithm 2 with $ m = 2 $ from $ 257\times257 $ jittered Fourier coefficients on $ 257\times257 $ grid points; (Right) pointwise error plotted on a logarithmic scale. The algorithm parameters used are $ \rho = .01 $, $ \epsilon = .9 $, and $ \ell_{max} = 5 $

    Figure 4.  (Left) Ideal weighting matrix for the $ y $-direction edges computed from (19) using the exact $ 257\times257 $ two-dimensional function $ f_3(x,y) $; (Right) final weighting matrix for the $ y $-direction edges produced by Algorithm 2. The minimum weight of $ 0 $ is indicated by black while maximum weight of $ \frac{1}{\epsilon}\approx 1.11 $ is indicated by white, while gray indicates a weight in between $ 0 $ and $ \frac1\epsilon $

    Figure 5.  (Left) $ f_1(x) $ and $ f_2(x) $; (Middle) Jump function approximations using (37); (Right) Jump function approximations with additive noise starting from (3) with SNR $ = 20 $ dB. Here we use $ 257 $ reconstruction points, $ 257 $ jittered Fourier modes, and regularization parameter $ \mu = 1 $

    Figure 6.  Edge detection (center and right) in the $ x $ and $ y $ directions using (38) for $ f_3(x,y) $ (left). Here we use $ 257\times257 $ jittered Fourier modes, $ 257\times257 $ reconstruction points, and regularization parameter $ \mu = 1 $

    Figure 17.  (Top) Reconstruction comparison of SAR vehicle data using (left) equation (44) and (right) Algorithm 6. (Bottom) A close up of the lower right tire

    Figure 7.  (Left) Comparison of Algorithms 1 and 5 on $ f_1(x) $ using PA order $ m = 1 $ given $ 257 $ jittered Fourier samples reconstructed on $ 257 $ grid points; (Right) corresponding pointwise errors. For parameters, we use $ \rho = 1 $, $ \mu = 1 $, $ \lambda = 1 $, $ \epsilon = 1.9 $, $ \ell_{max} = 25 $, and threshold $ \tau = 1/257 $

    Figure 8.  Comparison of Algorithms 2 (left) and 6 (right) for reconstructing $ f_3(x,y) $ from $ 257\times257 $ noise-free Fourier modes on $ 257\times257 $ grid points. For parameters, we use PA order $ m = 2 $ due to the piecewise quadratic nature of the function, $ \rho = .01 $, $ \epsilon = .9 $, and $ \ell_{max} = 5 $, $ \mu = .1 $, $ \tau = .025 $, and $ \lambda = 1 $

    Figure 9.  Comparison of errors using Algorithms 2 (left) and 6 (right) for reconstructing $ f_3(x,y) $, using the same parameters as Figure 8

    Figure 10.  Pointwise error plot comparisons between Algorithm 1 and Algorithm 5 for $ f_1(x) $ given $ 257 $ jittered Fourier samples reconstructed on $ 257 $ grid points. (Left) Parameters $ m = 1 $, $ \ell_{max} = 25 $, $ \epsilon = 1.9 $, $ \tau = 1/257 $, $ \lambda = 1 $, and vary $ \rho = .01,.1,1,10,100 $; (Right) Parameters $ m = 1 $, $ \rho = 1 $, $ \ell_{max} = 25 $, $ \epsilon = 1.9 $, $ \mu = 1 $, $ \tau = 1/257 $, and vary $ \lambda = .01,.1,1,10,100 $

    Figure 11.  Comparison of Algorithms 1 and 5 on $ f_2(x) $ using (top) $ m = 1 $ (middle) $ m = 2 $ and (bottom) $ m = 3 $ given $ 257 $ jittered Fourier samples reconstructed on $ 257 $ grid points. Left are the reconstructions, right are the corresponding pointwise errors. For parameters, we use $ \rho = 1 $, $ \ell_{max} = 25 $, $ \epsilon = 2.9 $, $ \mu = 1 $, $ \tau = 1/257 $, and $ \lambda = 1 $

    Figure 12.  (Left) Comparisons of Algorithms 1 and 5 on $ f_1(x) $ and $ f_2(x) $ given $ 257 $ noisy jittered Fourier samples. $ SNR = 15 $ for $ f_1(x) $ and SNR $ = 20 $ for $ f_2(x) $. In both cases we use PA order $ m = 1 $ and reconstruct on $ 257 $ grid points; (Right) corresponding pointwise errors. For $ f_1(x) $ we use parameters $ \rho = 1 $, $ \epsilon = 1.9 $, $ \ell_{max} = 25 $, $ \mu = 1 $, $ \tau = 1/257 $, and $ \lambda = 1 $. For $ f_2 $ we use parameters $ \rho = 1 $, $ \epsilon = 2.9 $, $ \ell_{max} = 25 $, $ \mu = 1 $, $ \tau = 1/257 $, and $ \lambda = 1 $

    Figure 14.  (Top) Reconstruction on $ 257\times 257 $ grid points of the Shepp-Logan phantom using Algorithms 2 (left) and 6 (right) with PA order $ m = 1 $ from $ 129^2 $ Fourier coefficients randomly chosen from a grid of $ 257\times257 $. (Bottom) respective pointwise errors. For parameters, we use $ \rho = .01 $, $ \epsilon = .9 $, $ \ell_{max} = 5 $, $ \mu = .01 $, $ \tau = 0.1 $, $ \lambda = .1 $. The relative error using Algorithm 2 was $ RE = .7160 $, while Algorithm 6 yielded $ RE = .4873 $

    Figure 15.  (Top) Reconstruction on $ 257\times 257 $ grid points of the Shepp-Logan phantom using Algorithms 2 (left) and 6 (right) with PA order $ m = 1 $ from $ 181^2 $ Fourier coefficients randomly chosen from a grid of $ 257\times257 $. (Bottom) respective pointwise errors. For parameters, we use $ \rho = .01 $, $ \epsilon = .9 $, $ \ell_{max} = 5 $, $ \mu = .01 $, $ \tau = 0.1 $, $ \lambda = .1 $. The relative error using Algorithm 2 was $ RE = .5180 $, while Algorithm 6 yielded $ RE = 0.3259 $

    Figure 16.  (Top) Reconstruction on $ 257\times 257 $ grid points of the Shepp-Logan phantom using Algorithms 2 (left) and 6 (right) with PA order $ m = 1 $ from $ 225^2 $ Fourier coefficients randomly chosen from a grid of $ 257\times257 $. (Bottom) respective pointwise errors. For parameters, we use $ \rho = .01 $, $ \epsilon = .9 $, $ \ell_{max} = 5 $, $ \mu = .01 $, $ \tau = 0.1 $, $ \lambda = .1 $. The relative error using Algorithm 2 was $ RE = .3458 $, while Algorithm 6 yielded $ RE = .2930 $

    Figure 18.  Comparison of edge-adaptive $ \ell_1 $ and edge-adaptive $ \ell_2 $ methods on $ f_2(x) $ using 257 Fourier coefficients. (left) error plot from reconstructions with noise-free data. (right) error plot from reconstruction with 20 dB zero-mean Gaussian noise added to the data

    Table 1.  Run time comparison between Algorithms 2 and 6 for reconstructing $ f_3(x,y) $. We used $ \ell_{max} = 5 $. The run time includes the time to perform Algorithm 4

    Data size Algorithm 2 Algorithm 6
    $ 129\times129 $ 4 mins 10 secs 5.6 secs
    $ 257\times257 $ 13 mins 2 secs 22 secs
    $ 513\times513 $ 49 mins 26 secs 1 min 33 secs
    $ 1025\times1025 $ 3 hours 16 mins 6 mins 28 secs
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