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Adversarial defense via the data-dependent activation, total variation minimization, and adversarial training

Please correspond to wangbaonj@gmail.com

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  • We improve the robustness of Deep Neural Net (DNN) to adversarial attacks by using an interpolating function as the output activation. This data-dependent activation remarkably improves both the generalization and robustness of DNN. In the CIFAR10 benchmark, we raise the robust accuracy of the adversarially trained ResNet20 from $ \sim 46\% $ to $ \sim 69\% $ under the state-of-the-art Iterative Fast Gradient Sign Method (IFGSM) based adversarial attack. When we combine this data-dependent activation with total variation minimization on adversarial images and training data augmentation, we achieve an improvement in robust accuracy by 38.9$ \% $ for ResNet56 under the strongest IFGSM attack. Furthermore, We provide an intuitive explanation of our defense by analyzing the geometry of the feature space.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 68T45; Secondary: 68T01.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  Training and testing procedures of the DNN with softmax and WNLL functions as the output activation layer. (a) and (b) show the training and testing steps for the standard DNN, respectively; (c) and (d) illustrate the training and testing procedure of the WNLL activated DNN, respectively

    Figure 2.  Samples from CIFAR10. Panel (a): from the top to the last rows show the original, adversarial images by attacking ResNet56 with FGSM and IFGSM ($ \epsilon = 0.02 $); and by attacking ResNet56-WNLL. Panel (b) corresponding to those in panel (a) with $ \epsilon = 0.08 $. Charts (c) and (d) corresponding to the TV minimized images in (a) and (b), respectively

    Figure 3.  $ \epsilon $ v.s. accuracy without defense, and defending by WNLL activation, TVM and augmented training. (a) and (b) plot results for FGSM and IFGSM attack, respectively

    Figure 4.  Epochs v.s. accuracy of ResNet56 on CIFAR10. (a): without the additional FC layer; (b): with the additional FC layer

    Figure 5.  Visualization of the features learned by DNN with softmax ((a), (b), (c), (d)) and WNLL ((e), (f), (g), (h)) activation functions. (a) and (b) plot the 2D features of the original and adversarial testing images; (c) and (d) are the first two principle components of the 64D features for the original and adversarial testing images, respectively. Charts (e), (f) plot the first two components of the training and testing features learned by ResNet56-WNLL; (g) and (h) show the two principle components of the adversarial and TV minimized adversarial images for the test set

    Figure 6.  (a): $ \# $IFGSM iterations v.s. accuracy for the ResNet20 and the ResNet20-WNLL trained with PGD adversarial training. (b):$ \epsilon $ v.s. accuracy for the ResNet20 and the ResNet20-WNLL trained with PGD adversarial training

    Table 1.  Running time and GPU memory for ResNet20 with two different activation functions

    Training time Testing time Memory
    ResNet20 3925.6 (s) 0.657 (s) 1007 (MB)
    ResNet20-WNLL 7378.4 (s) 14.09 (s) 1563 (MB)
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    Table 2.  Mutual classification accuracy on the adversarial images crafted by using FGSM and IFGSM to attack ResNet56 and ResNet56-WNLL. (Unit: $ \% $)

    Attack Training data $ \epsilon=0 $ $ \epsilon=0.02 $ $ \epsilon=0.04 $ $ \epsilon=0.06 $ $ \epsilon=0.08 $ $ \epsilon=0.1 $
    Accuracy of ResNet56 on adversarial images crafted by attacking ResNet56-WNLL
    FGSM Original data 93.0 69.8 56.9 44.6 34.6 28.3
    FGSM TVM data 88.3 51.5 37.9 30.1 24.7 20.9
    FGSM Original + TVM 93.1 78.5 70.9 64.6 59.8 55.8
    IFGSM Original data 93.0 5.22 5.73 6.73 7.55 8.55
    IFGSM TVM data 88.3 7.00 6.82 8.30 9.28 10.7
    IFGSM Original + TVM 93.1 27.3 28.6 29.5 29.1 29.4
    Accuracy of ResNet56-WNLL on adversarial images crafted by attacking ResNet56
    FGSM Original data 94.5 65.2 49.0 39.3 32.8 28.3
    FGSM TVM data 90.6 45.9 30.9 22.2 16.9 13.8
    FGSM Original + TVM data 94.7 78.3 68.2 61.1 56.5 52.5
    IFGSM Original data 94.5 3.37 3.71 3.54 4.69 6.41
    IFGSM TVM data 90.6 7.88 7.51 7.58 8.07 9.67
    IFGSM Original + TVM data 94.7 34.3 33.4 33.1 34.6 35.8
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    Table 3.  Mutual classification accuracy on the adversarial images crafted by using CW-L2 to attack ResNet56 and ResNet56-WNLL. (Unit: $ \% $)

    Training data Original data TVM data Original + TVM data
    Exp-Ⅰ 52.1 43.2 80.0
    Exp-Ⅱ 59.7 41.1 80.1
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    Table 4.  Testing accuracy on the adversarial/TVM adversarial CIFAR10 dataset. The testing accuracy with no defense is in red italic; and the results with all three defenses are in boldface. (Unit: $ \% $)

    Training data Original data TVM data Original + TVM data
    ResNet56 4.94/32.2 11.8/54.0 15.1/52.4
    ResNet56-WNLL 18.3/35.2 15.0/53.9 28/54.5
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    Table 5.  Testing accuracy on the adversarial/TVM adversarial CIFAR10 dataset. The testing accuracy with no defense is in red italic; and the results with all three defenses are in boldface. (Unit: $ \% $)

    Attack Training data $ \epsilon=0 $ $ \epsilon=0.02 $ $ \epsilon=0.04 $ $ \epsilon=0.06 $ $ \epsilon=0.08 $ $ \epsilon=0.1 $
    FGSM Original data 93.0 36.9/19.4 29.6/18.9 26.1/18.4 23.1/17.9 20.5/17.1
    FGSM TVM data 88.3 27.4/50.4 19.1/47.2 16.6/43.7 15.0/38.9 13.7/35.0
    FGSM Original + TVM 93.1 48.6/51.1 42.0/47.6 39.1/44.2 37.1/41.8 35.6/39.1
    IFGSM Original data 93.0 0/16.6 0/16.1 0.02/15.9 0.1/15.5 0.25/16.1
    IFGSM TVM data 88.3 0.01/43.4 0/42.5 0.02/42.4 0.18/42.7 0.49/42.4
    IFGSM Original + TVM 93.1 0.1/38.4 0.09/37.9 0.36/37.9 0.84/37.6 1.04/37.9
    FGSM Original data 94.5 58.5/26.0 50.1/25.4 42.3/25.5 35.7/24.9 29.2/22.9
    FGSM TVM data 90.6 31.5/52.6 24.5/49.6 20.2/45.3 17.3/41.6 14.4/37.5
    FGSM Original + TVM 94.7 60.5/ 55.4 56.7/52.0 55.3/48.6 53.2/45.9 50.1/43.7
    IFGSM Original data 94.5 0.49/16.7 0.14/17.3 0.3/16.9 1.01/16.6 0.94/16.5
    IFGSM TVM data 90.6 0.61/37.3 0.43/36.3 0.63/35.9 0.87/35.9 1.19/35.5
    IFGSM Original + TVM 94.7 0.19/38.5 0.3/39.4 0.63/ 40.1 1.26/ 38.9 1.72/ 39.1
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