Seismic data are often undersampled owing to physical or financial limitations. However, complete and regularly sampled data are becoming increasingly critical in seismic processing. In this paper, we present an efficient two-dimensional (2D) seismic data reconstruction method that works on texture-based patches. It performs completion on a patch tensor, which folds texture-based patches into a tensor. Reconstruction is performed by reducing the rank using tensor completion algorithms. This approach differs from past methods, which proceed by unfolding matrices into columns and then applying common matrix completion approaches to deal with 2D seismic data reconstruction. Here, we first re-arrange the seismic data matrix into a third-order patch tensor, by stacking texture-based patches that are divided from seismic data. Then, the seismic data reconstruction problem is formulated into a low-rank tensor completion problem. This formulation avoids destroying the spatial structure, and better extracts the underlying useful information. The proposed method is efficient and gives an improved performance compared with traditional approaches. The effectiveness of our patch tensor-based framework is validated using two classical tensor completion algorithms, low-rank tensor completion (LRTC), and the parallel matrix factorization algorithm (TMac), on both synthetic and field data experiments.
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Figure 2. Singular value plots for the mode-1, mode-2, and mode-3 unfolding matrices of patch tensor of the field data. (a) field data. (b) the singular value plots for the mode-1 unfolding matrix of the patch tensor of field data (blue) and field data with missing columns (red star). (c) the singular value plots for the mode-2 unfolding matrix of the patch tensor of field data (blue) and field data with missing columns (red star). (d) the singular value plots for the mode-3 unfolding matrix of the patch tensor of field data (blue) and field data with missing columns (red star)
Figure 9. Comparison of the 58th trace taken from the original post-stack data and reconstructed data and the differences between them. Panels (a), (c), (e), and (g) show this reconstructed single trace using the APG, LMaFit, LRTC, and TMac algorithms, respectively. Panels (b), (d), (f), and (h) show the differences between the original single trace and the reconstructed single traces when using the APG, LMaFit, LRTC, and TMac algorithms, respectively
Figure 11. Reconstruction results of the post-stack seismic data. (a) The SNR versus the sampling ratio for the APG, LMaFit, LRTC, and TMac algorithms. (b) Amplitude spectrum comparison of the 58th single trace. The spectrums of the original data, data from the LMaFit and data from TMac are displayed in black, red, and blue lines, respectively
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