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Image fusion network for dual-modal restoration

  • *Corresponding author: Xiaoqun Zhang

    *Corresponding author: Xiaoqun Zhang
Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Figure(6) / Table(2) Related Papers Cited by
  • In recent years multi-modal data processing methods have gained considerable research interest as technological advancements in imaging, computing, and data storage have made the collection of redundant, multi-modal data more commonplace. In this work we present an image restoration method tailored for scenarios where pre-existing, high-quality images from different modalities or contrasts are available in addition to the target image. Our method is based on a novel network architecture which combines the benefits of traditional multi-scale signal representation, such as wavelets, with more recent concepts from data fusion methods. Results from numerical simulations in which T1-weighted MRI images are used to restore noisy and undersampled T2-weighted images demonstrate that the proposed network successfully utilizes information from high-quality reference images to improve the restoration quality of the target image beyond that of existing popular methods.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 68U10.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  Proposed network architecture: An observed image $ \mathbf{f} $ and a reference image $ \mathbf{f}_\mathrm{ref} $ are passed as inputs into an encoding network consisting of a cascade of decomposition stages. The outputs of these stages are then passed as the input for a symmetric decoding stage which combines the information from $ \mathbf{f} $ and $ \mathbf{f}_\mathrm{ref} $. The structures labeled by $ \Psi_i $, $ \Psi_i^{'} $, and $ \Psi_i^{†} $ are convolutional layers representing decomposition and composition using learned kernels, while the wavelet transform layers represent decomposition and composition by a set of fixed kernels. The fusion of coefficients indicated by $ \bigoplus $ is multiplied by separated $ w $ and $ w^{'} $, and then performed with a multi-layer convolutional neural network (CNN) H, both of which need to be learned

    Figure 2.  Network inputs for three different denoising scenarios. In each column, the left panel is the target image to be denoised ($ \mathbf{f} $) and the right column is the corresponding reference image ($ \mathbf{f}_\mathrm{ref} $). (a) Denoising of a noisy T2W image with a high-SNR T1W reference image. (b) Denoising a noisy T2W image with an all-zero reference image. (c) "Denoising'' an all-zero image with a high-SNR T1W reference image. The scenarios in (b) and (c) were evaluated to observe how the network incorporates information from the reference image into the denoising process

    Figure 3.  T2W image denoising results for the scenarios depicted in Fig. 2. Top row: ground truth and denoising results of BM3D, DnCNN, and the proposed network, respectively. Bottom row: magnified results from the region indicated by the red box in the ground truth image in the top row. The PSNR and MSE over the entire image are given below each result

    Figure 4.  T2W image with high noise level denoising results. Top row: noisy T2W image and ground truth. Bottom row: denoising results of BM3D, DnCNN, and the proposed network, respectively

    Figure 5.  Reconstruction of sparsely sampled Fourier data. Top row: ground truth versions of several T2W images. Rows 2-4 show the corresponding reconstruction results for a sampling pattern with uniform undersampling in outer $ k $-space. Rows 5-7 show the corresponding reconstruction results for a sampling pattern with random under sampling. The MSE is given on each result

    Figure 6.  Reconstruction of random sampled Fourier data under different noise levels

    Table 1.  Specific parameters setting for e×periments shown in Fig. 5

    Encoding Decoding
    obj $\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} &5 \times 5 \times \\ &1,25 \end{array} $ $\begin{gathered} 25 \times 2 \\ +3 \times 3 \\ \times 25, \\ 25 \times 3 \end{gathered} $ $\begin{gathered} 5 \times 5 \times \\ 25,50 \end{gathered} $ $\begin{gathered} 50 \times 2 \\ +3 \times 3 \\ \times 50, \\ 50 \times 3 \end{gathered} $ $ \begin{gathered} 5 \times 5 \times \\ 50,100 \end{gathered}$ $\begin{gathered} 100 \times 2 \\ +3 \times 3 \\ \times 100, \\ 100 \times 3 \end{gathered} $ \begin{gathered} 5 \times 5 \times \\ 100, \\ 150 \end{gathered}$ $ $ \begin{gathered} 150 \times 2 \\ +3 \times 3 \\ \times 150, \\ 150 \times 3 \end{gathered}$ $\begin{gathered} 5 \times 5 \times \\ 150, \\ 200 \end{gathered} $ $ \begin{gathered} 200 \times 2 \\ +3 \times 3 \\ \times 200, \\ 200 \times 3 \end{gathered}$ $\begin{gathered} 5 \times 5 \times \\ 200, \\ 150 \end{gathered} $ $ \begin{gathered} 5 \times 5 \times \\ 150, \\ 100 \end{gathered}$ $\begin{gathered} 5 \times 5 \times \\ 100,50 \end{gathered} $ $ \begin{array}{*{20}{c}} &5 \times 5 \times \\ &50,25 \end{array}$ $ \begin{array}{*{20}{c}} &5 \times 5 \times \\ &25,1 \end{array}$
    ref $ \begin{array}{*{20}{c}} &5 \times 5 \times \\ &1,25 \end{array}$ $ \begin{gathered} 5 \times 5 \times \\ 25,50 \end{gathered}$ $ \begin{gathered} 5 \times 5 \times \\ 50,100 \end{gathered}$ $ \begin{gathered} 5 \times 5 \times \\ 100 , \\ 150 \end{gathered}$ $ \begin{gathered} 5 \times 5 \times \\ 150, \\ 200 \end{gathered}$
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    Table 2.  The average MSE of several methods under different noise levels

    Noise level E-WTV DnCNN Proposed
    0.01 0.000956 0.000703 0.000657
    0.05 0.001600 0.000989 0.000926
    0.1 0.002700 0.004997 0.001533
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