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Euler equations and trace properties of minimizers of a functional for motion compensated inpainting

  • *Corresponding author: Giuseppe Riey

    *Corresponding author: Giuseppe Riey

G.R. has been supported by the Italian PRIN Research Project 2017 "Qualitative and quantitative aspects of nonlinear PDE"

Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Related Papers Cited by
  • We compute the Euler equations of a functional useful for simultaneous video inpainting and motion estimation, which was obtained in [17] as the relaxation of a modified version of the functional proposed in [16]. The functional is defined on vectorial functions of bounded variations, therefore we also get the Euler equations holding on the singular sets of minimizers, highlighting in particular the conditions on the jump sets. Such conditions are expressed by means of traces of geometrically meaningful vector fields and characterized as pointwise limits of averages on cylinders with axes parallel to the unit normals to the jump sets.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 49Q20, 49K20, 68T45; Secondary: 26B30.


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