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An efficient augmented Lagrangian method with semismooth Newton solver for total generalized variation

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  • Total generalization variation (TGV) is a very powerful and important regularization for various inverse problems and computer vision tasks. In this paper, we propose a semismooth Newton based augmented Lagrangian method for solving this problem. The augmented Lagrangian method (also called as method of multipliers) is widely used for lots of smooth or nonsmooth variational problems. However, its efficiency heavily depends on solving the corresponding coupled and nonlinear system together and simultaneously. With efficient primal-dual semismooth Newton methods for the challenging and highly coupled nonlinear subproblems involving total generalized variation, we develop a highly efficient and competitive augmented Lagrangian method compared with some fast first-order method. With the analysis of the metric subregularities of the corresponding functions, we give both the global convergence and local linear convergence rate for the proposed augmented Lagrangian methods.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 65K10, 49J52; Secondary: 49M15.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  Original and corrupted images for PSNR test with TGV regularization. The sizes of the original images are Train: 512 $ \times $ 357; Sails: 512 $ \times $ 768; Baboon: 512 $ \times $ 512; Man: 1024 $ \times $ 1024. The corresponding noise level of the corrupted images are Train 1, Baboon 1, Sails 1, Man 2: with 10% Gaussian noise; Man 1: with 20% Gaussian noise; Train 2, Baboon 2, Sails 2: with 5% Gaussian noise

    Figure 2.  Images (a), (d), and (g) show the original Turtle, Cameraman and Two macaws images (It is taken from http://r0k.us/graphics/kodak/kodim23.html authored by Kelly S.). (b) and (h) are noisy versions corrupted by 10% Gaussian noise; (e) is corrupted by 5% Gaussian noise. (c), (f), and (i) show the denoised images with ALM-PDP with $\mathfrak{U}^{k+1} <10^{-6}$. Their sizes are: Turle: $128 \times 128$; Cameraman: $256 \times 256$; Two macaws: $768 \times 512$

    Table 1.  PSNR results of TGV regularized image denoising. Train 1, Baboon 1, Sails 1, Man 2: with 10% gaussian noise, $ \alpha = [0.2, 0.1] $; Man 1: with 20% gaussian noise, $ \alpha = [0.2, 0.1] $; Train 2, Baboon 2, Sails 2: with 5% gaussian noise, $ \alpha = [0.1, 0.05] $

    $ a = 1.0 $ $ a = 10^{-8} $ $ a = 0 $
    $ \text{PSNR} $ $ \text{RMSE} $ $ \text{SSIM} $ $ \text{PSNR} $ $ \text{RMSE} $ $ \text{SSIM} $ $ \text{PSNR} $ $ \text{RMSE} $ $ \text{SSIM} $
    Train 1 26.604 2.186e-3 7.691e-1 26.595 2.190e-3 7.688e-1 26.596 2.190e-3 7.688e-1
    Train 2 29.854 1.034e-3 8.504e-1 29.835 1.039e-3 8.500e-1 29.835 1.039e-3 8.500e-1
    Man 1 13.886 4.087e-2 5.590e-1 13.886 4.087e-2 5.589e-1 13.886 4.087e-2 5.590e-1
    Man 2 27.472 1.790e-3 6.768e-1 27.469 1.791e-3 6.769e-1 27.470 1.790e-3 6.769e-1
    Baboon 1 22.961 5.057e-3 5.768e-1 22.952 5.067e-3 5.757e-1 22.952 5.067e-3 5.758e-1
    Baboon 2 24.368 3.658e-3 6.990e-1 24.371 3.655e-3 6.993e-1 24.371 3.655e-3 6.993e-1
    Sails 1 19.027 1.251e-2 6.147e-1 19.023 1.252-2 6.133e-1 19.023 1.252-2 6.133e-1
    Sails 2 26.168 2.416e-3 6.915e-1 26.173 2.414-3 6.918e-1 26.172 2.414-3 6.918e-1
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    Table 2.  Image Cameraman denoised by TGV with algorithm ALM-PDP. $ N_{SSN} $ denotes the number of Newton iterations. $ N_{ABCG} $ denotes average number of BiCGSTAB iterations. Here $ \sigma_0 = 4 $, $ \sigma_{k+1} = 4\sigma_k $

    $ k=1 $ $ k=2 $ $ k=3 $ $ k=4 $ $ k=5 $ $ k=6 $ $ k=7 $
    res($ u $) 1.04e-3 5.67e-4 2.48e-4 2.53e-5 1.09e-6 4.70e-7 9.91e-7
    res($ w $) 3.92e-4 2.47e-4 1.29e-4 8.02e-6 2.14e-7 1.43e-7 2.53e-7
    res($ \lambda $) 5.55 1.15 2.77e-1 6.89e-2 1.65e-2 3.51e-3 6.20e-4
    res($ \mu $) 1.09e1 3.02 8.03e-1 2.15e-1 5.19e-2 1.02e-2 1.88e-3
    Gap 4.52e-4 7.82e-5 1.83e-5 4.22e-6 8.48e-7 1.42e-7 2.28e-8
    $ N_{SSN} $ 6 5 6 9 11 14 24
    $ N_{ABCG} $ 10 13 27 43 75 97 122
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    Table 3.  For $ n(t) $ of the first line of each algorithm, $ n $ presents the iteration number for the primal dual gap less than the stopping value; $ t $ denotes the CPU time

    TGV: $ \alpha = [0.2, 0.1] $ Turtle: $ 128 \times 128 $
    $ n(t) $ $ \text{res}(u) $ $ \text{res}(w) $ $ \text{res}(\lambda) $ $ \text{res}(\mu) $ Gap $ \text{PSNR} $ $ \mathfrak{U} $
    ALM-PDP 7(20.72s) 2.40e-3 1.42e-3 4.35e-4 1.80e-3 3.60e-8 24.93 1e-4
    ALG2 3176(33.36s) 6.38e-3 5.77e-4 9.37e-6 2.20e-5 1.53e-9 24.93 1e-4
    ALM-PDP 9(114.03.s) 8.97e-6 5.63e-6 1.38e-5 3.02e-5 5.93e-10 24.93 1e-6
    ALG2 10808(1033.93s) 6.33e-5 4.43e-6 4.42e-9 8.32e-9 2.07e-13 24.93 1e-6
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    Table 4.  For $ n(t) $ of the first line of each algorithm, $ n $ presents the iteration number for the primal-dual gap less than the stopping value, $ t $ denoting the CPU time

    TGV: $ \alpha = [0.1, 0.05] $ Cameraman: $ 256 \times 256 $
    $ n(t) $ $ \text{res}(u) $ $ \text{res}(w) $ $ \text{res}(\lambda) $ $ \text{res}(\mu) $ Gap $ \text{PSNR} $ $ \mathfrak{U} $
    ALM-PDP 7(66.15s) 5.71e-3 3.84e-3 6.49e-4 1.90e-3 2.32e-8 30.16 1e-4
    ALG2 3115(77.45s) 1.27e-2 8.31e-4 1.02e-5 4.65e-5 1.62e-9 30.16 1e-4
    ALM-PDP 9(369.39s) 2.25e-5 1.27e-5 1.49e-5 6.64e-5 5.58e-10 30.16 1e-6
    ALG2 81706(2000.26s) 1.26e-4 9.11e-6 1.60e-8 3.06e-8 2.85e-13 30.16 1e-6
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    Table 5.  For $ n(t) $ of the first line of each algorithm, $ n $ presents the iteration number for the primal-dual gap less than the stopping value, $ t $ denoting the CPU time. The notation "$ < $eps" denotes the corresponding quality less than the machine precision in Matlab "eps"

    TGV: $ \alpha = [0.2, 0.1] $ Two macaws: $ 768 \times 512 $
    $ n(t) $ $ \text{res}(u) $ $ \text{res}(w) $ $ \text{res}(\lambda) $ $ \text{res}(\mu) $ Gap $ \text{PSNR} $ $ \mathfrak{U} $
    ALM-PDP 3(238.01s) 2.43e-2 1.39e-2 6.55e-2 2.28e-5 1.70e-6 31.53 1e-3
    ALG2 683(99.84s) 2.57e-1 3.01e-2 3.14e-3 7.98e-3 1.63e-7 31.52 1e-3
    ALM-PDP 8(1499.23s) 2.79e-4 1.02e-4 4.52e-4 1.66e-3 9.09e-9 31.53 1e-5
    ALG2 15638(2332.49s) 2.82e-3 1.55e-4 7.40e-7 2.48e-6 1.66e-11 31.53 1e-5
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