We find the necessary and sufficient conditions for the Fourier coefficients of a function $ g $ on the torus to be in the range of the $ X $-ray transform of a symmetric tensor of compact support in the plane.
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Figure 2. An even order $ m $-tensor field $ {\mathbf f} $ is determined by the odd negative angular modes on or above the diagonal $ k = -n $ (green region), and the odd negative angular modes (marked red) on the $ \frac{m}{2} $ red lines $ n+2k = -(m+1) $ for $ k\geq0 $. All the odd non-positive angular modes on and below the line $ n+2k = -(m+1) $, and left of the line $ n = -(m+1) $ vanish
Figure 3. An odd order $ m $-tensor field $ {\mathbf f} $ is determined by the even negative angular modes on or above the diagonal $ k = -n $ (green region), and the even negative angular modes (marked red) on the $ \frac{m+1}{2} $ red lines $ n+2k = -(m+1) $ for $ k\geq0 $. All the even non-positive angular modes on and below the line $ n+2k = -(m+3) $, and left of the line $ n = -(m+3) $ vanish
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Fan-beam coordinates:
An even order
An odd order