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Minimizing quotient regularization model

  • *Corresponding author: Yifei Lou

    *Corresponding author: Yifei Lou

The first author is supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China 12201286, the Shenzhen Science and Technology Program 20231115165836001, and Guangdong Basic and Applied Research Foundation 2024A1515012347. The second and third authors acknowledge the support of the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No777826. The third author acknowledges support by ISF grant 534/19 and ISF 1472/23. The last author is supported by NSF CAREER award 2414705. This work was initiated while J-F. Aujol and Y. Lou were visiting the Mathematical Department of UCLA

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  • Quotient regularization models (QRMs) are a class of powerful regularization techniques that have gained considerable attention in recent years, due to their ability to handle complex and highly nonlinear data sets. However, the nonconvex nature of QRM poses a significant challenge in finding its optimal solution. We are interested in scenarios where both the numerator and the denominator of QRM are absolutely one-homogeneous functions, which is widely applicable in the fields of signal processing and image processing. In this paper, we utilize a gradient flow to minimize such QRM in combination with a quadratic data fidelity term. Our scheme involves solving a convex problem iteratively. The convergence analysis is conducted on a modified scheme in a continuous formulation, showing the convergence to a stationary point. Numerical experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm in terms of accuracy, outperforming the state-of-the-art QRM solvers.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 65F22, 65Y04; Secondary: 52A41, 49N45.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  A 2D illustration of $ L_1/L_2 $ and $ L_1/Q_1 $ that give a better approximation to the $ L_0 $ norm with a comparison to the convex $ L_1 $ norm

    Figure 2.  The objective function (7) respect to the iteration counts: $ L_1/L_2 $ and $ L_1/Q_K $ for signal recovery (left) and $ L_1/L_2 $ on the gradient for image recovery (right). The decay in each objective function provides empirical evidence of the convergence of the proposed scheme (11)

    Figure 3.  Numerical verification for the decreasing property revealed by Theorem 3.6: if $ \|Au^0\|_2\geq \|f\|_2 $, then $ \|u^k\|_2 $ decreases with respect to the iteration (left); otherwise, $ \|u^k\|_2 $ increases (right). We plot $ \|u^k\|_2 $ on the top row, while $ \|Au^0\|_2-\|f\|_2 $ with a baseline of 0 (red dash line) on the bottom row

    Figure 4.  MRI reconstruction on the SL phantom with a noise level of $ \sigma = 0.05 $ with 7 radial lines. Top row – reconstruction results, bottom row – difference from ground truth. The proposed algorithm outperforms the previous ADMM approach at the outer ring and boundaries of the three middle oval shapes, better seen in the difference map

    Figure 5.  MRI reconstruction on the FB phantom with a noise level of $ \sigma = 0.05 $ with 13 radial lines. Top row – reconstruction results, bottom row – difference from ground truth. The proposed algorithm is able to better preserve the overall geometric shapes, compared to competing methods

    Table 1.  Impact of the parameter $ K $ on the sparse recovery via the $ L_1/Q_K $ model. The sensing matrix $ A $ is of size $ m \times n $, where $ m $ ranges from 250 to 360 and $ n = 512 $. The ground-truth sparse vector contains $ s = 130 $ nonzero elements. Each recorded value is averaged over 100 random realizations. The baseline model refers to the $ L_1 $ minimization, whose solution serves as the initial condition for $ L_1/Q_K $. When $ K $ is chosen to be close to the true sparsity level (e.g., $ K = 100, 150 $ versus $ s = 130 $), $ L_1/Q_K $ yields top-notch performance; otherwise (e.g., $ K = 10 $), $ L_1/L_2 (K = n) $ is the best

    250 260 270 280 290 300
    baseline 5.27 4.97 4.59 4.44 4.20 3.91
    10 5.20 4.87 4.44 4.19 3.93 3.69
    100 4.95 4.57 4.12 3.80 3.56 3.29
    150 4.92 4.55 4.10 3.80 3.53 3.29
    $ n $ 5.01 4.65 4.19 3.90 3.65 3.43
    310 320 330 340 350 360
    baseline 3.73 3.55 3.49 3.26 3.13 3.02
    10 3.42 3.25 3.11 2.97 2.86 2.75
    100 3.01 2.86 2.70 2.57 2.46 2.34
    150 3.02 2.86 2.71 2.58 2.49 2.39
    $ n $ 3.16 3.04 2.91 2.81 2.73 2.65
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    Table 2.  MSEs of recovering a sparse vector of length $ n = 512 $ with $ s = 130 $ nonzero elements from $ m $ noisy measurements ($ m = 240:20:360 $ following the MatLab's notation). We compare $ L_1/L_2 $ and $ L_1/Q_K $ for $ K = 100 $ under the settings of FP (35) and QRM (3). We observe that QRM is a better framework than FB for sparse recovery. The best results are consistently given by the proposed algorithm for solving the $ L_1/Q_K $ model when the value of $ K = 100 $ is close to the true sparsity level ($ 130 $). The $ L_1/L_2 $ (when $ K = n $) model achieves the second best in performance

    model-algorithm 240 260 280 300 320 340 360
    FP $ L_1/L_2 $-ADMM 5.51 4.76 4.00 3.48 3.15 2.86 2.67
    $ L_1/L_2 $-PGSA_BE 11.12 8.60 6.28 4.40 3.37 2.83 2.52
    $ L_1/Q_K $-PGSA_BE 5.62 4.75 3.92 3.41 3.08 2.83 2.68
    QRM $ L_1/L_2 $-DCA 5.56 4.87 4.14 3.61 3.27 2.95 2.69
    $ L_1/L_2 $-ADMM 5.53 4.75 3.96 3.45 3.12 2.86 2.68
    $ L_1/L_2 $-proposed 5.50 4.70 3.92 3.40 3.07 2.81 2.64
    $ L_1/Q_K $-DCA 5.52 4.77 4.01 3.48 3.15 2.86 2.67
    $ L_1/Q_K $-proposed 5.44 4.65 3.83 3.26 2.91 2.57 2.33
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    Table 3.  F1 score on support identification, with $ s = 130 $ nonzero elements from $ m $ noisy measurements ($ m = 240:20:360 $ following the MatLab's notation). We compare $ L_1/L_2 $ and $ L_1/Q_K $ for $ K = 100 $ under the settings of FP (4) and QRM (3). The best results are consistently given by the proposed algorithm for solving the $ L_1/Q_K $ model when the value of $ K = 100 $ is close to the true sparsity level ($ 130 $)

    model-algorithm 240 260 280 300 320 340 360
    FP $ L_1/L_2 $-ADMM 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41
    $ L_1/L_2 $-PGSA_BE 0.44 0.51 0.58 0.65 0.69 0.70 0.70
    $ L_1/Q_K $-PGSA_BE 0.49 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.49 0.49
    QRM $ L_1/L_2 $-DCA 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41
    $ L_1/L_2 $-ADMM 0.49 0.49 0.50 0.49 0.49 0.48 0.47
    $ L_1/L_2 $-proposed 0.49 0.50 0.51 0.50 0.50 0.49 0.48
    $ L_1/Q_K $-DCA 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41
    $ L_1/Q_K $-proposed 0.59 0.61 0.65 0.66 0.67 0.67 0.67
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    Table 4.  MRI reconstruction from different numbers of radial lines and different noise levels

    Image $ \sigma $ Line $ L_1 $ $ L_1/L_2 $-ADMM $ L_1/L_2 $-proposed
    SL 0.01 7 46.06% 19.50 25.36% 24.09 3.74% 40.72
    10 16.29% 28.66 3.41% 41.53 2.91% 42.90
    13 6.85% 36.52 1.91% 46.55 1.71% 47.49
    0.05 7 52.31% 18.33 43.63% 19.38 31.90% 22.10
    10 33.09% 22.42 14.34% 29.04 14.08% 29.24
    13 22.67% 26.10 10.50% 31.75 10.41% 31.82
    FB 0.01 7 21.63% 21.49 13.80% 24.89 1.11% 26.94
    10 18.14% 23.08 14.98% 24.17 12.90% 25.47
    13 9.51% 28.29 1.41% 44.71 1.17% 46.31
    0.05 7 26.03% 19.9 22.14% 20.78 16.50% 23.36
    10 18.14% 23.08 14.98% 24.17 12.90% 25.47
    13 14.48% 24.79 12.67% 25.64 12.30% 25.89
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