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Asymptotic invariance and the discretisation of nonautonomous forward attracting sets

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • The $\omega$-limit set $\omega_B$ of a nonautonomous dynamical system generated by a nonautonomous ODE with a positive invariant compact absorbing set $B$ is shown to be asymptotic positive invariant in general and asymptotic negative invariant if, in addition, the vector field is uniformly continuous in time on the absorbing set. This set has been called the forward attracting set of the nonautonomous dynamical system and is related to Vishik's concept of a uniform attractor. If $\omega_B$ is also assumed to be uniformly attracting, then its upper semi continuity in a parameter and the upper semi continuous convergence of its counterparts under discretisation by the implicit Euler scheme are established.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 34D45; Secondary: 37B55, 65P40.


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