We consider recent work of [
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Figure 14. Accuracy (left) and time steps (right) for MNIST100 dataset [28]
Figure 15. Features of testing examples from MNIST100 dataset [28] and transformed features by four networks under comparison: Net, ResNet, ODENet, ODENet+Simplex (from top to bottom). All networks have 20 layers
Table 1. Four explicit Runge–Kutta methods: ResNet/Euler, Improved Euler, Kutta(3) and Kutta(4)
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The four data sets used in the numerical study
Learned transformation and classifier for data set donut1d (top) and squares (bottom)
Snap shots of transformation of features for data set spiral
Learned transformation with fixed classifier for data set donut1d (top) and spiral (bottom)
Robustness on random initialisation for transformed data donut2d and linear classifier for two different initialisations
Function values over the course of the gradient descent iterations for data sets donut1d, donut2d, spiral, squares (left to right and top to bottom). The solid line represents training and the dashed line test data
Classification accuracy over the course of the gradient descent iterations for data setsdonut1d, donut2d, spiral, squares (left to right and top to bottom). The solid line represents training and the dashed line test data
Estimated time steps by ResNet/Euler, ODENet and ODENet+simplex for for data sets donut1d, donut2d, spiral, squares (left to right and top to bottom). ODENet+simplex consistently picks two to three time steps and set the rest to zero
Learned prediction and transformation for different Runge-Kutta methods and data sets spiral (top), donut2d (centre) and squares (bottom). All results are for 15 layers
Snap shots of the transition from initial to final state through the network with the data set spiral
Snap shots of the transition from initial to final state through the network with the data set donut2d
Snap shots of the transition from initial to final state through the network with the data set squares
Function values over the course of the gradient descent iterations for data sets donut1d, donut2d, spiral, squares (left to right and top to bottom)
Accuracy (left) and time steps (right) for MNIST100 dataset [28]
Features of testing examples from MNIST100 dataset [28] and transformed features by four networks under comparison: Net, ResNet, ODENet, ODENet+Simplex (from top to bottom). All networks have 20 layers