In this paper we consider the Shigesada-Kawasaki-Teramoto (SKT) model to account for stable inhomogeneous steady states exhibiting spatial segregation, which describe a situation of coexistence of two competing species. We provide a deeper understanding on the conditions required on both the cross-diffusion and the reaction coefficients for non-homogeneous steady states to exist, by combining a detailed linearized analysis with advanced numerical bifurcation methods via the continuation software $\mathtt{pde2path}$. We report some numerical experiments suggesting that, when cross-diffusion is taken into account, there exist positive and stable non-homogeneous steady states outside of the range of parameters for which the coexistence homogeneous steady state is positive. Furthermore, we also analyze the case in which self-diffusion terms are considered.
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Figure 3. Bifurcation diagrams represented with different quantities in the weak competition case (first parameter set in Table 1, with $ d_{12} = 3 $ and $ d_{21} = 0 $). (A) "Usual" bifurcation diagram with respect to $ v(0) $. (B) Bifurcation diagram with respect to $ ||u||_{L^2} $
Figure 5. Bifurcation diagrams for different values of the cross-diffusion coefficient $ d_{21} $ in the weak competition case (first parameter set in Table 1, with $ d_{12} = 3 $). Notice that the range of values of $ d $ for which non-trivial solutions exist is getting smaller and smaller when $ d_{21} $ increases (especially compared to Figure 3b)
Figure 6. Different types of stable solutions coexisting with the homogeneous one. Species $ u $ and $ v $ on the domain are denoted with black and blue lines respectively. Figures (A) and (C) refer to $ d_{21} = 0.045 $ and correspond to solutions on the pastel blue and red branches of the bifurcation diagram in Figure 5a. Figures (B) and (D) refer to $ d_{21} = 0.055 $ and correspond to solutions on the pastel blue and pastel red branches of the bifurcation diagram in Figure 5b
Figure 8. Solutions belonging to different branches when $ d_{12} = 1000 $. The species $ u $ and $ v $ are denoted with black and blue lines respectively, while the red line corresponds to $ uv $. As in the bifurcation diagrams, thin lines indicate unstable solutions, while thicker lines corresponds to stable ones. The red dotted line represents the product $ uv $
Figure 9. Bifurcation diagrams for different values of the cross-diffusion parameter $ d_{21} $ in the strong competition case (second parameter set in Table 1, with $ d_{12} = 3 $)
Figure 10. Evolution of the first bifurcation branch for increasing values of $ d_{21}\in [0,1000] $ (darker the blue, greater the value), corresponding to the second parameter set in Table 1, with $ d_{12} = 3 $
Figure 11. Bifurcation diagram and some solutions (third parameter set in Table 1 and $ d_{12}\; = \; d_{21} = 100 $). (A) Bifurcation diagram with respect to the parameter $ d $. Yellow points indicate the positions on the branches at which solutions are shown. (B)–(D) Solutions $ u(x),\;v(x) $ for different values of $ d $ (black lines correspond to species $ u $, while blue lines to species $ v $)
Figure 12. Evolution of the first bifurcation branch for increasing values of $ d_{12}\in [0,3] $ (darker the blue, greater the value), corresponding to the fourth parameter set in Table 1, with $ d_{21} = 0 $
Figure 13. Bifurcation diagrams with bifurcation parameter $ r_1 $. (A) Weak competition case with $ d = 0.005 $ and the other parameter values as in the first parameter set in Table 1, with $ d_{12} = 3 $ and $ d_{21} = 0 $. (B) Strong competition case with $ d = 0.05 $ and the other parameter values as in the second parameter set in Table 1, with $ d_{12} = 3 $ and $ d_{21} = 0 $
Figure 14. Stable non-homogeneous solutions appearing beyond the usual weak or strong competitions regimes (species $ u $ and $ v $ are denoted with black and blue lines respectively). Weak competition case ($ d = 0.005 $, the other parameter values as in the first parameter set in Table 1, with $ d_{12} = 3 $ and $ d_{21} = 0 $): (A), (C) stable solutions with $ r_1 = 7.5 $, (E) stable solution with $ r_1 = 15 $. Strong competition case ($ d = 0.05 $, the other parameter values as in the second parameter set in Table 1, with $ d_{12} = 3 $ and $ d_{21} = 0 $): (B), (D) stable solutions with $ r_1 = 10 $, (F) stable solution with $ r_1 = 18 $. The colors of the branches refer to Figure 13
Figure 15. Bifurcation diagrams with bifurcation parameter $ d $ obtained with the first parameter set in Table 1 (weak competition case), with $ d_{12} = 3 $, $ d_{21} = 0 $, $ d_{11} = 0 $ and different values of the self-diffusion coefficient $ d_{22} $
Table 1. The parameter sets used in the numerical simulations presented in this section
Table 2.
Convergence of the first three bifurcation points, numerically detected, to the predicted limited values
3 | 0.0328 | 0.0205 | 0.0113 |
10 | 0.0762 | 0.0273 | 0.0131 |
100 | 0.1190 | 0.0311 | 0.0139 |
1000 | 0.1258 | 0.0315 | 0.0140 |
0.1267 | 0.0317 | 0.0141 |
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Sign of the quantities
Sign of the quantities
Bifurcation diagrams represented with different quantities in the weak competition case (first parameter set in Table 1, with
Different types of stable solutions on the blue and red branches of the bifurcation diagram 3. The densities of
Bifurcation diagrams for different values of the cross-diffusion coefficient
Different types of stable solutions coexisting with the homogeneous one. Species
Bifurcation diagrams for different values of the cross-diffusion coefficient
Solutions belonging to different branches when
Bifurcation diagrams for different values of the cross-diffusion parameter
Evolution of the first bifurcation branch for increasing values of
Bifurcation diagram and some solutions (third parameter set in Table 1 and
Evolution of the first bifurcation branch for increasing values of
Bifurcation diagrams with bifurcation parameter
Stable non-homogeneous solutions appearing beyond the usual weak or strong competitions regimes (species
Bifurcation diagrams with bifurcation parameter