In this paper we present a rigorous numerical method for validating analytic solutions of nonlinear ODEs by using Chebyshev-series and domain decomposition. The idea is to define a Newton-like operator, whose fixed points correspond to solutions of the ODE, on the space of geometrically decaying Chebyshev coefficients, and to use the so-called radii-polynomial approach to prove that the operator has an isolated fixed point in a small neighborhood of a numerical approximation. The novelty of the proposed method is the use of Chebyshev series in combination with domain decomposition. In particular, a heuristic procedure based on the theory of Chebyshev approximations for analytic functions is presented to construct efficient grids for validating solutions of boundary value problems. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated by validating long periodic and connecting orbits in the Lorenz system for which validation without domain decomposition is not feasible.
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Figure 1. Approximations of the solution of $ u' = u(1-u) $ with $ u(0) = \frac{1}{2} $. In blue (partly obscured by red) based on a truncated Chebyshev series for $ t\in[0,50] $ with $ N = 75 $ terms and geometric decay factor $ \nu = 1.05 $ (see Section 2) with error at most $ 6.3 \cdot 10^{-10} $ (uniformly). In red based on a truncated Taylor series for $ t\in [0,3] $ with $ N = 225 $ terms and $ \nu = 1 $ with uniform error control $ 2.7 \cdot 10^{-4} $. The computation times (including the proof of the error bound) for both cases are comparable. The rigorous error bounds are based on the truncated series only, not on the availability of an explicit expression for the solution
Figure 2. The connecting orbit from the positive eye to the origin in the Lorenz equation with classical parameters. The time of flight between the local (un)stable manifolds is $ L = 30 $. The geometric objects colored in red and green are representations of $ W_{ \rm{loc}}^{s} \left( q^{+} \right) $ and $ W_{ \rm{loc}}^{u} \left( {\bf{0}} \right) $, respectively
Figure 4. (a) A typical periodic orbit near the homoclinic connection. The period of the orbit is $ L \approx 100.25 $. Notice the sharp turn of the orbit near the origin. (b) The $ x $, $ y $ and $ z $ components of the orbit. The three components are fairly flat for a relatively long time. These flat parts correspond to the part of the orbit near the equilibrium where the dynamics are slow
Figure 5. The fifteen components of the validated periodic orbit in the coupled Lorenz system (4). The period of the periodic orbit is $ L \approx 1.70 $. We have grouped the components, which in the synchronized setting would correspond to the "same component", together. In each case the components with higher indices are colored with a lighter shade of blue
Figure 6. (a) A validated solution of the initial value problem with initial condition $ p_{0} = \begin{bmatrix} 6 & 10 & 8 \end{bmatrix}^{T} $ and integration time $ L = 11.2 $. (b) The three components of the validated orbit. The dashed lines in grey indicate the six chosen integration times $ L \in \{2.3, 4.8, 6.1, 7.6, 9.5, 11.2\} $. At the $ k $-th integration time, ordered from small to large, the orbit transitioned $ k $ times between the eyes
Figure 8. (a) A plot of the two grids $ \left(i, t_{i} \right)_{i = 0}^{33} $ and $ \left(i, \tau_{i} \right)_{i = 0}^{34} $ corresponding to $ m = 33 $ and $ m = 34 $, respectively. (b) A plot of the grid-points $ t_{32} $, $ \tau_{33} $ and the complex singularities (colored in red) which determine the size of the Bernstein ellipses associated to $ \left[ t_{32},1 \right] $ and $ \left[ \tau_{33},1 \right] $
Figure 11. (a) The complex singularities of the validated periodic orbit in the coupled Lorenz system for $ K = 5 $. (b) A semi-logarithmic plot of the coefficients in the Chebyshev series of the periodic orbit for $ K = 5 $ for all subdomains and components. The decay rates are approximately the same for each subdomain and component. The black line corresponds to the theoretically predicted decay rate determined by the size of the smallest Bernstein-ellipse. The theoretically predicted decay rate coincides (approximately) with the observed decay rate, which indicates that the approximation of the complex singularities (near the real-axis) was accurate
Figure 12. The thirty components of the validated periodic orbit in the coupled Lorenz system (4). The period of the periodic orbit is $ L \approx 1.68 $. We have grouped the components, which in the synchronized setting would correspond to the "same component", together. In each case the components with higher indices are colored with a lighter shade of blue
Figure 13. (a) Step sizes used by awa for $ L = 11.2 $. (b) Step sizes used by verifyode for $ L = 6.1 $. Approximately $ 45 \% $, $ 40 \% $ and $ 10 \% $ of the time steps are located around small neighborhoods of $ t = 4 $, $ t = 5 $ and (just after) $ t = 6 $, respectively. Moreover, these time steps are of minimal size
Table 1.
Numerical results for a validated periodic orbit of period
Table 2.
Numerical results for two periodic orbits near the homoclinic connection. The periodic orbit of period
Table 3.
Numerical results for the connecting orbit from
Table 4.
Numerical results for a validated periodic orbit in systems of five and 10 coupled Lorenz vector fields. We took
Table 5.
Numerical results for the validated integration of an IVP in the Lorenz system with initial condition
Steps | Steps | ||||
awa | verifyode | awa | verifyode | ||
Table 6.
Numerical results for the validated integration of an IVP in the Lorenz system with initial condition
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Approximations of the solution of
The connecting orbit from the positive eye to the origin in the Lorenz equation with classical parameters. The time of flight between the local (un)stable manifolds is
(a) A periodic orbit on the Lorenz attractor of period
(a) A typical periodic orbit near the homoclinic connection. The period of the orbit is
The fifteen components of the validated periodic orbit in the coupled Lorenz system (4). The period of the periodic orbit is
(a) A validated solution of the initial value problem with initial condition
The approximate complex singularities of the validated periodic orbit. Note that the time variable has been rescaled to
(a) A plot of the two grids
The dependence of the period
(a) The complex singularities of the connecting orbit. (b) The grid, determined by the algorithm in Section 4, on which the connecting orbit was validated
(a) The complex singularities of the validated periodic orbit in the coupled Lorenz system for
The thirty components of the validated periodic orbit in the coupled Lorenz system (4). The period of the periodic orbit is
(a) Step sizes used by awa for