We reconsider a control theory for Hamiltonian systems, that was introduced on the basis of KAM theory and applied to a model of magnetic field in previous articles. By a combination of Frequency Analysis and of a rigorous (Computer Assisted) KAM algorithm we prove that in the phase space of the magnetic field, due to the control term, a set of invariant tori appear, and it acts as a transport barrier. Our analysis, which is common (but often also limited) to Celestial Mechanics, is based on a normal form approach; it is also quite general and can be applied to quasi-integrable Hamiltonian systems satisfying a few additional mild assumptions. As a novelty with respect to the works that in the last two decades applied Computer Assisted Proofs into the framework of KAM theory, we provide all the codes allowing to produce our results. They are collected in a software package that is publicly available from the Mendeley Data repository. All these codes are designed in such a way to be easy-to-use, also for what concerns eventual adaptations for applications to similar problems.
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Figure 2. Two FAMs for the Hamiltonian system corresponding to the Hamiltonians $ H+v $ (on the left) and $ H+v+f $ (see equations (2), (3) and (10)), for $ \varepsilon = 0.0012 $. In both cases we chose 200 equidistributed values of $ \psi_0 $, and for each of them we run a simulation of $ (2^{15}+1) $ perturbation periods. The initial values of the variables $ \theta $ and $ \varphi $ were always set to $ 0 $. The equations of motion were solved by a symmetric splitting method of order two
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Phase portraits given by the time-
Two FAMs for the Hamiltonian system corresponding to the Hamiltonians
The action-frequency map for the system
Action-frequency map analysis for a region of phase space of the system
Decay of the norms of the terms appearing in the expansion (61) of