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Numerical dynamics of integrodifference equations: Forward dynamics and pullback attractors

The work of Huy Huynh has been supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) under grant number P 30874-N35.
Peter E. Kloeden thanks the Universität Klagenfurt for support and hospitality

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  • In order to determine the dynamics of nonautonomous equations both their forward and pullback behavior need to be understood. For this reason we provide sufficient criteria for the existence of such attracting invariant sets in a general setting of nonautonomous difference equations in metric spaces. In addition it is shown that both forward and pullback attractors, as well as forward limit sets persist and that the latter two notions even converge under perturbation.

    As concrete application, we study integrodifference equations over the continuous functions under spatial discretization of collocation type. Integrodifference equation and Pullback attractor and Forward attractor and Urysohn operator

    Mathematics Subject Classification: 37C70, 37G35, 45G15, 65R20, 65P40.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  Shape of generalized Beverton-Holt functions $ g_\alpha(z): = \tfrac{z}{1+z^\alpha} $ for $ \alpha = \tfrac{1}{2} $ (dashed), $ \alpha = 1 $ (solid) and $ \alpha = 2 $ (dash dotted)

    Figure 2.  Sequences of sets containing functions in the fibers $ {\mathcal A}_n^\ast(t) $, $ 0\leq t\leq 10 $, for $ \alpha \in\left\{\frac{1}{2}, 1\right\} $, respectively from left to right

    Figure 3.  Development of the averaged error $ \|\xi^n-\xi^{2n}\| $ for $ n \in\left\{2^4, \ldots, 2^{10}\right\} $ nodes and parameters $ \alpha \in\left\{\frac{1}{2}, 1,2\right\} $

    Table 1.  Values of the approximate convergence rates $ c(n) $ for $ n\in\left\{{2^4, \ldots, 2^{10}}\right\} $ nodes and parameters $ \alpha\in\left\{{\tfrac{1}{2}, 1, 2}\right\} $

    $ n $ $ \alpha=\tfrac{1}{2} $ $ \alpha=1 $
    16 2.112614126300029 2.100856100109834
    32 2.055209004601208 2.051123510423984
    64 2.026777868073563 2.025681916479720
    128 2.013096435137189 2.012865860858589
    256 2.006536458546063 2.006433295172438
    512 2.003256451919377 2.003220576642864
    1024 2.001624177537549 2.001610772707442
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    Table 2.  Values of the approximate convergence rates $ c(n) $ for $ n\in\left\{{2^4, \ldots, 2^{10}}\right\} $ nodes and final times $ T\in\left\{{10, 50}\right\} $

    $ n $ $ T=10 $ $ T=50 $
    16 2.2837654186745091 2.0849355987819758
    32 2.1026388978422323 2.0460569864690159
    64 2.0383208155788273 2.0248832042126796
    128 2.0182226164652075 2.0155618789522607
    256 2.0137461227397369 1.9944650101138011
    512 2.0168071129306111 2.0415755409000083
    1024 2.1561021773053772 2.6711767140843996
     | Show Table
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