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Towards optimal space-time discretization for reachable sets of nonlinear control systems

  • *Corresponding author: Kyria Wawryk

    *Corresponding author: Kyria Wawryk
Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Figure(6) / Table(3) Related Papers Cited by
  • Reachable sets of nonlinear control systems can in general only be approximated numerically, and these approximations are typically very expensive to compute. In this paper, we explore a strategy for choosing the temporal and spatial discretizations of Euler's method for reachable set computation in a non-uniform way to improve the performance of the method.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: 93B03, 65L50.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  Step-sizes for system (42) with parameters (44). Discretization produced by Algorithm 1 shown in the dashed line, and Algorithm 2 in the solid line

    Figure 2.  Cumulative contributions $ \sigma_E $ (dashed line) and $ \sigma_C $ (solid line) from (45) and (46) for system (42) with parameters (44)

    Figure 3.  Relative error $ \delta_C $ from (47) plotted against error $ E $ from (5) when Algorithm 2 is applied to system (42). Values for $ L = 1, 2, 3, 4 $ marked using circles, squares, triangles and diamonds, respectively

    Figure 4.  Reachable sets generated by Algorithm 2 applied to system (48) with $ \varepsilon_{\ell_{max}} = 2^{-7} $. Resolution adjusted for printing purposes

    Figure 5.  Stepsizes for system (48) with $ \varepsilon = 2^{-7} $. Discretization produced by Algorithm 1 shown in the dashed line, and Algorithm 2 in the solid line

    Figure 6.  Cumulative contributions $ \sigma_E $ (dashed line) and $ \sigma_C $ (solid line) from (45) and (46) for system (48) with $ \varepsilon = 2^{-7} $

    Table 1.  Time to run Algorithm 2 for system (42) with parameters (44) and $ \ell_{\max} = 15 $ split based on use

    $ \boldsymbol{\ell} $ 11 12 13 14 15
    $ \varepsilon_\ell $ 6.4E1 3.2E1 1.6E1 8.0E0 4.0E0
    time [s] for reachable set computation (lines 5-17) 4.4E-1 2.7E0 7.0E1 2.8E3 2.4E5
    time [s] for refinement of discretization (lines 19-26) 7.0E-4 1.4E-3 4.3E-3 1.4E-2 8.0E-2
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    Table 2.  Number of grid points computed by Algorithms 1 and 2 to achieve error tolerance (5) when applied to system (42). The high complexity of Algorithm 1 forced us to infer the values in the cells coloured in red using a workaround

    L=1 $ \boldsymbol{ \varepsilon} $ 2.50E-1 1.25E-1 6.25E-2 3.13E-2 1.56E-2
    d=1 Alg1 5.8E3 8.3E4 1.2E6 2.0E7 3.1E8
    Alg2 1.7E3 1.9E4 2.5E5 3.6E6 5.4E7
    d=2 Alg1 2.7E6 2.8E8 3.3E10 4.1E12 5.1E14
    Alg2 1.1E5 6.2E6 5.5E8 5.7E10 6.6E12
    L=2 $\varepsilon $ 2.00E0 1.00E0 5.00E-1 2.50E-1 1.25E-1
    d=1 Alg1 1.8E6 2.9E7 4.7E8 7.6E9 1.2E11
    Alg2 4.1E3 5.0E4 6.1E5 8.7E6 1.3E8
    d=2 Alg1 1.7E11 2.3E13 3.1E15 4.0E17 5.1E19
    Alg2 2.5E5 1.7E7 1.4E9 1.4E11 1.5E13
    L=3 $ \varepsilon $ 1.60E1 8.00E0 4.00E0 2.00E0 1.00E0
    d=1 Alg1 9.4E7 1.6E9 2.6E10 4.3E11 6.9E12
    Alg2 2.6E3 2.9E4 3.3E5 4.2E6 5.8E7
    d=2 Alg1 4.2E14 6.1E16 8.4E18 1.1E21 1.5E23
    Alg2 1.5E5 3.9E6 2.8E8 2.3E10 2.2E12
    L=4 $ \varepsilon $ 6.40E1 3.20E1 1.60E1 8.00E0 4.00E0
    d=1 Alg1 3.8E10 6.4E11 1.0E13 1.7E14 2.7E15
    Alg2 1.2E4 1.1E5 1.2E6 1.5E7 2.1E8
    d=2 Alg1 3.5E19 4.9E21 6.6E23 8.7E25 1.1E28
    Alg2 6.6E5 2.8E7 1.7E9 1.3E11 1.3E13
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    Table 3.  Number of grid points computed by Algorithms 1 and 2 to achieve error tolerance $ \varepsilon $ for system (48)

    $ \boldsymbol{ \varepsilon} $ 1.25E-1 6.25E-2 3.13E-2 1.56E-2 7.81E-3
    Algorithm 1 7.8E5 3.3E7 1.9E9 1.1E11 7.0E12
    Algorithm 2 9.6E4 4.8E6 1.6E8 8.4E9 4.6E11
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