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A non-iterative algorithm for generalized pig games

  • * Corresponding author: Ernesto Mordecki

    * Corresponding author: Ernesto Mordecki
Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Figure(1) / Table(4) Related Papers Cited by
  • We provide a polynomial algorithm to find the value and an optimal strategy for a generalization of the Pig game. Modeled as a competitive Markov decision process, the corresponding Bellman equations can be decoupled leading to systems of two non-linear equations with two unknowns. In this way we avoid the classical iterative approaches. A simple complexity analysis reveals that the algorithm requires $O(\mathbf{s}\log\mathbf{s})$ steps, where $\mathbf{s}$ is the number of states of the game. The classical Pig and the Piglet (a simple variant of the Pig played with a coin) are examined in detail.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 91A15, 91A60; Secondary: 90C47.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  Function $y = f_{b, a}(x)$ (solid line) intersects $x = f_{a, b}(y)$ (dashed line) at the solution $x = v(a, b)$, $y = v(b, a)$ in one instance of the Piglet game

    Algorithm 1 General backward algorithm.
    1: for $b$ from $1$ to $N$ do
    2:   for $a$ from $1$ to $b$ do
    3: Find $v(a, b, \tau)\colon 0\leq \tau <a$ and $v(b, a, \tau)\colon 0\leq \tau <b$
    4:   end for
    5: end for
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    Algorithm 2 Solving step 3 for fixed a, b.
    1: for$i$ from $1$ to $a$ do
    2:   Find the points defining $f_{a, b, i}$
    3: end for
    4: for $i$ from $1$ to $b$ do
    5:   Find the points defining $f_{b, a, i}$
    6: end for
    7: Find $x$ and $y$ that solve system (7)
    8: for $i$ from $1$ to $a-1$ do
    9:   compute v(a, b, a-i)
    10: end for
    11: for $i$ from $1$ to $b-1$ do
    12:   compute v(b, a, b-i)
    13: end for
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    Table 1.  Pig Game with different targets

    Target of the game ($N$)value of the game $v(N, N)$
    1 Obtained by Neller and Presser [16]
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    Table 2.  Values of $v(a, b)$ for the piglet game with $N = 3$

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