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An application of a dynamical model with ecological predator-prey approach to extensive livestock farming in uruguay: Economical assessment on forage deficiency

  • * Corresponding author: Francisco Dieguez

    * Corresponding author: Francisco Dieguez 
Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Figure(4) / Table(3) Related Papers Cited by
  • Extensive livestock farmers have to manage climate risk. Therefore, there is a need to generate quantitative tools to evaluate the biophysical and economic impacts on extensive farming based on native grasslands. We present an ecological model based on the predator-prey approach, used to simulate the effect of forage deficiency on the farm's economic performance. Different scenarios of animal stocking rate and carrying capacity of grassland are considered to assess the impact of forage deficiency in spring. Results suggest a cubic response of Gross product per hectare as function of Gross margin, according Mott's theoretical model for meat production on grassland systems in response to stocking rate. The maximum value of this cubic response function strongly depends on the initial grass height and climate scenarios. The initial grass height is critical to maximize secondary productivity and farm economic results. Scenarios including grass reserves can buffer the deficiency on grass growth rates and pasture offer, as occurs in drought periods at the time when farmers try to make animals gain liveweight. Our analysis reinforces the usefulness of forage assignment adjustment by modulating stocking rate to improve liveweight gain and economic results under climate change conditions.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 49K15, 91B74; Secondary: 92D40.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  Screen capture of the predator-prey livestock model causal diagram (stocks and flow) implemented on NetLogo [25]

    Figure 2.  Frequency histogram for the climatic coefficient (coefClima) occurrence for Uruguayan basaltic region (serie 2000–2018 [17])

    Figure 3.  Gross product (USD per head and per hectare; top) and Gross margin (USD per hectare) (down) for scenarios varying Stocking rate (GU/ha) and initial Grass height (cm) for three values (coefClima) parameter (1.0, 0.5, 0.25 and 0.125)

    Figure 4.  Monthly evolution of coefClima parameter for the basaltic region of Uruguay, economic year 2016–2017

    Table 1.  Annual production costs for the economical year 2016–2017 published by IPA [16]. Asterisk indicates those considered as variable costs. Not marked items were considered as fix costs

    Item USD/ha/year
    Workforce expenses 29.00
    Infrastructure conservation 3.50
    Equipment, tools and vehicle devaluation and expenses 13.00
    Taxes 12.25
    Miscellaneous system expenses 18.00
    Pasture conservation* 9.50
    Direct cattle expenses (health)* 7.00
    Nutrition expenses* 3.50
    Total cost 95.75
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    Table 2.  Economic-productive indicators result for economic year 2016–2017 from IPA [16] monitoring program

    Indicator Value
    Meat production (kg/ha) 113
    Stocking rate (GU/ha) 0.79
    Surface (ha) 1374
    Herd size (total GU) 1073
    Gross margin (USD/ha) 58
    Gross production (USD/ha) 154
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    Table 3.  Maximal GM/ha per hectare and Stocking rate that its value is reached (IGH: initial Grass height; R2: Coefficient of determination; S: Stocking rate)

    IGH (cm) coefClima R2 Maximum GM (USD/ha) S (GU/ha)
    3 1 0.99 31.35 0.82
    3 0.5 1.00 12.46 0.72
    3 0.25 1.00 -29.86 0.52
    3 0.125 1.00 -79.75 0.24
    5 1 0.99 107.78 1.03
    5 0.5 0.99 71.58 0.9
    5 0.25 1.00 1.90 0.64
    5 0.125 1.00 -68.62 0.32
    7 1 0.99 146.27 1.13
    7 0.5 0.99 99.82 0.97
    7 0.25 1.00 16.30 0.69
    7 0.125 1.00 -63.85 0.35
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