parameters | lin. interpol. 1 | lin. interpol. 2 | path 3 | path 4 | path 5 |
32.3749 | 27.45 | 25.3975 | 26.2504 | 28.3768 | |
63.1326 | 52.4110 | 47.8818 | 47.5037 | 48.2284 | |
77.6407 | 66.6800 | 63.4840 | 60.9704 | 57.4557 |
We study the pull-back of the 2-parameter family of quotient elastic metrics introduced in [
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Figure 2. Toy example: initial path joining a circle to the same circle via an ellipse. The 5 first shapes at the left correspond to the path at time $t = 0$, $t = 0.25$, $t = 0.5$, $t = 0.75$ and $t = 1$. The right picture shows the entire path, with color varying from red ($t=0$) to blue ($t = 0.5$) to red again ($t=1$)
Figure 3. Straightening of the path illustrated in Fig. 2, with $a=100$ and $b=1$. The first line corresponds to the initial path, the second line to the path after 3500 iterations, and the third line corresponds to the path after 7000 iterations. Underneath, the evolution of the energy with respect to the number of iterations is depicted
Figure 4. Negative gradient of the energy functional at the middle of the path depicted in Fig. 2 for $b=1$ and different values of the parameter $a/b$.
Figure 5. Negative gradient of the energy functional at the middle of the path connecting a circle to the same circle via an ellipse for different values of the eccentricity of the middle ellipse. The first line corresponds to the values of parameters $a =0.01$ and $b=1$. The second line corresponds to $a = 100$ and $b=1$
Figure 6. Negative gradient of the energy functional along the path depicted in Fig. 2 for $a=1$ (upper line), $a = 5$ (middle line) and $a = 50$ (lower line) and $b = 1$
Figure 8. Energy functional for the $2$-parameter family of paths whose middle shape is one of the shapes depicted in Fig. 7. The left upper picture corresponds to $a= 0.01$, $b =1$ and the right upper picture to $a = 100$, $b =1$. The lower picture shows the plots of both energy functionals with equal axis
Table 1. Energy of the paths depicted in Fig.9
parameters | lin. interpol. 1 | lin. interpol. 2 | path 3 | path 4 | path 5 |
32.3749 | 27.45 | 25.3975 | 26.2504 | 28.3768 | |
63.1326 | 52.4110 | 47.8818 | 47.5037 | 48.2284 | |
77.6407 | 66.6800 | 63.4840 | 60.9704 | 57.4557 |
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Some parameterized closed immersions
Toy example: initial path joining a circle to the same circle via an ellipse. The 5 first shapes at the left correspond to the path at time
Straightening of the path illustrated in Fig. 2, with
Negative gradient of the energy functional at the middle of the path depicted in Fig. 2 for
Negative gradient of the energy functional at the middle of the path connecting a circle to the same circle via an ellipse for different values of the eccentricity of the middle ellipse. The first line corresponds to the values of parameters
Negative gradient of the energy functional along the path depicted in Fig. 2 for
Energy functional for the
Different paths connecting a Mickey Mouse hand to the same hand with a missing finger