This special issue is devoted to showcase selected papers from the XIII CLAIO
(Conferencia Latino-Ibero-Americana de Investigación Operativa, the Latin-Ibero-
American Conference on Operations Research). This event is the flagship conference
of ALIO, the Latin-Ibero-American Operations Research Association. The CLAIO,
which is held biennially, is the main meeting point of the Latin-American Operations
Research academic community. The event also fosters and features the participation
of researchers from all over the world.
The papers presented in this special issue cover part of the large diversity of subjects
covered at CLAIO, ranging from theoretical to applied viewpoints. Over 350
extended abstracts were accepted to the conference, providing novel methodological
contributions, models, and algorithms, as well as case studies that illustrate the
application of optimization in real-life settings. We are pleased to introduce here a
representative set of papers, arising from our selection and the refereeing process.
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