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Partially shared buffers with full or mixed priority

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • This paper studies a finite-sized discrete-time two-class priority queue. Packets of both classes arrive according to a two-class discrete batch Markovian arrival process (2-DBMAP), taking into account the correlated nature of arrivals in heterogeneous telecommunication networks. The model incorporates time and space priority to provide different types of service to each class. One of both classes receives absolute time priority in order to minimize its delay. Space priority is implemented by the partial buffer sharing acceptance policy and can be provided to the class receiving time priority or to the other class. This choice gives rise to two different queueing models and this paper analyses both these models in a unified manner. Furthermore, the buffer finiteness and the use of space priority raise some issues on the order of arrivals in a slot. This paper does not assume that all arrivals from one class enter the queue before those of the other class. Instead, a string representation for sequences of arriving packets and a probability measure on the set of such strings are introduced. This naturally gives rise to the notion of intra-slot space priority. Performance of these queueing systems is then determined using matrix-analytic techniques. The numerical examples explore the range of service differentiation covered by both models.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 60J10, 60K25; Secondary: 68M12.


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