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On the robust control design for a class of nonlinearly affine control systems: The attractive ellipsoid approach

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • This paper is devoted to a problem of robust control design for a class of continuous-time dynamic systems with bounded uncertainties. We study a family of nonlinearly affine control systems and develop a computational extension of the conventional invariant ellipsoid techniques. The obtained method can be considered as a powerful numerical approach that makes it possible to design a concrete stabilizing control strategies for the resulting closed-loop systems. The design procedure for this feedback-type control is based on the classic Lyapunov-type stability analysis of invariant sets for the given dynamic system. We study the necessary theoretic basis and propose a computational algorithm that guarantee some minimality properties of the stability/attractivity regions for dynamic systems under consideration. The complete solution procedure contains an auxiliary LMI-constrained optimization problem. The effectiveness of the proposed robust control design is illustrated by a numerical example.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 93C10, 37N40; Secondary: 93C41.


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