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Performance analysis of large-scale parallel-distributed processing with backup tasks for cloud computing

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • In cloud computing, a large-scale parallel-distributed processing service is provided where a huge task is split into a number of subtasks and those subtasks are processed on a cluster of machines called workers. In such a processing service, a worker which takes a long time for processing a subtask makes the response time long (the issue of stragglers). One of efficient methods to alleviate this issue is to execute the same subtask by another worker in preparation for the slow worker (backup tasks). In this paper, we consider the efficiency of backup tasks. We model the task-scheduling server as a single-server queue, in which the server consists of a number of workers. When a task enters the server, the task is split into subtasks, and each subtask is served by its own worker and an alternative distinct worker. In this processing, we explicitly derive task processing time distributions for the two cases that the subtask processing time of a worker obeys Weibull or Pareto distribution. We compare the mean response time and the total processing time under backup-task scheduling with those under normal scheduling. Numerical examples show that the efficiency of backup-task scheduling significantly depends on workers' processing time distribution.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 60K25, 60J10; Secondary: 68M20.


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