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Performance analysis of a P2P storage system with a lazy replica repair policy

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • Peer-to-Peer (P2P) storage systems are a prevalent and important mode for implementing cost-efficient, large-scale distributed storage. Considering the random departure feature of the peers and the diverse popularity of the data objects, a proper number of replicas needs to be maintained, and a reasonable trigger threshold of replica repair needs to be set for high data availability and low system overhead. In this paper, based on the working principle of the lazy replica repair policy in a P2P storage system, a three-dimensional Markov chain model is constructed, and the model is analyzed in steady-state by using a matrix-geometric method. Then, the performance measures in terms of the availability of one data object, the average access latency, and the replication rate are given. Moreover, numerical results with analysis are provided to demonstrate how system parameters such as the replica number and the replica repair instant influence the system performance. Finally, we develop benefit functions to optimize the replica number and the repair trigger threshold.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 68M10, 68M20; Secondary: 60J28.


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