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Comparative analysis of supply chain financing strategies between different financing modes

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • In the supply chain finance (SCF) system composed of a capital-constrained retailer, a manufacturer and a commercial bank, we design two different limited financing modes, namely, a financing mode based on order and on the capital-gap. Considering the retailer's capital constraint and bankruptcy risk, we formulate a Stackelberg game in which the manufacturer acts as the leader and analyze the optimal decisions for each participant. Finally, we conduct numerical examples and make comparative analyses between these two different financing modes in terms of optimal ordering and pricing decisions, as well as optimal expected profits. It is concluded that the optimal expected profit of SCF under either financing mode would be higher than that in the case of no capital constraint or capital-constrained without financing. Moreover, the financing mode based on order would encourage the manufacturer to earn more and the financing mode based on capital-gap would be more favorable to the retailer.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 90B05; Secondary: 91A12.


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