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Recovery of the local volatility function using regularization and a gradient projection method

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • This paper considers the problem of calibrating the volatility function using regularization technique and the gradient projection method from given option price data. It is an ill-posed problem because of at least one of three well-posed conditions violating. We start with the European option pricing problem. We formulate the problem by obtaining the integral equation from Dupire equation and provide a theory of identifying the local volatility function $\sigma(y,\tau)$ when the parameter $\mu\neq 0$, and then we apply regularization technique for volatility function retrieval problems. A projected gradient method is developed for recovering the volatility function. Numerical simulations are given to illustrate the feasibility of our method.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: 65J15, 65J20, 91B28, 46N10, 47N10.


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