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Multi-criteria media mix decision model for advertising a single product with segment specific and mass media

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • The effectiveness of any advertisement campaign relies heavily on the combination of media vehicles chosen for communicating the messages and the amount of advertisements placed in them. This paper presents a media planning model that assists a firm in determining the optimal media mix for a product advertised in a segmented market. The model determines the number of advertisements to be placed in different segment specific media as well as mass media. The objective is to maximize the reach of the product in the potential market by placement of the advertisements. A case study is presented to illustrate the application of the model in which the market considered is geographically segmented on the basis of cultural and lingual diversity. The segments respond to regional advertising (segment specific) and to national advertising which reaches segments with a fixed spectrum. Interactive weighted sum goal programming technique is discussed to solve the problem.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: 90B60, 90C10, 90C29.


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