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Higher-order sensitivity analysis in set-valued optimization under Henig efficiency

  • Zhenhua Peng, E-mail: pzhjearya@gmail.com

    Zhenhua Peng, E-mail: pzhjearya@gmail.com; 

    Zhenhua Peng, E-mail: pzhjearya@gmail.comYihong Xu, Professor, major field of interest is in the area of set-valued optimization. E-mail: xuyihong@ncu.edu.cn

    Yihong Xu, Professor, major field of interest is in the area of set-valued optimization. E-mail: xuyihong@ncu.edu.cn
the National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant 11461044, the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangxi Province (20151BAB201027) and the Science and Technology Foundation of the Education Department of Jiangxi Province(GJJ12010).
Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Related Papers Cited by
  • The behavior of the perturbation map is analyzed quantitatively by using the concept of higher-order contingent derivative for the set-valued maps under Henig efficiency. By using the higher-order contingent derivatives and applying a separation theorem for convex sets, some results concerning higher-order sensitivity analysis are established.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 49Q12, 46G05; Secondary: 90C31.


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