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Evacuation planning by earliest arrival contraflow

The second would like to thank Alexander von Humboldt Foundation for the research support on evacuation planning.
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  • The very challenging emergency issues because of large scale natural or man-created disasters promote the research on evacuation planning. The earliest arrival contraflow is an important model for evacuation planning that rescue as many evacuees as possible at any point in time by reversing the direction of arcs towards the safe destinations with increased outbound arc capacity. We present efficient algorithms to solve the earliest arrival contraflow problem on multiple sources and on multiple sinks networks separately. We also introduce an approximate-earliest arrival contraflow solution on multi-terminal networks.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 90B10, 90C27, 68Q25; Secondary: 90B06, 90B20.


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  • Figure 1.  Two sources and single sink small MDCF scenario and its solution

    Figure 2.  Non-existence of earliest arrival contraflow on multiple sinks

    Figure 3.  EACF solution does not always exist on multiple terminal networks

    Figure 4.  Existence of earliest arrival contraflow on multiple sinks

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