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Equilibrium analysis of an opportunistic spectrum access mechanism with imperfect sensing results

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  • In order to reduce the average delay of secondary user (SU) packets and adapt to various levels of tolerance for transmission interruption, we propose a novel opportunistic channel access mechanism with admission threshold and probabilistic feedback in cognitive radio networks (CRNs). Considering the preemptive priority of primary user (PU) packets, as well as the sensing errors of missed detection and false alarm caused by SUs, we establish a type of priority queueing model in which two classes of customers may interfere with each other. Based on this queueing model, we evaluate numerically the proposed mechanism and then present the system performance optimization. By employing a matrix-geometric solution, we derive the expressions for some important performance measures. Then, by building a reward function, we investigate the strategies for both the Nash equilibrium and the social optimization. Finally, we provide a pricing policy for SU packets to coordinate these two strategies. With numerical experiments, we verify the effectiveness of the proposed opportunistic channel access mechanism and the rationality of the proposed pricing policy.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 68M10, 68M20; Secondary: 60J28.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  Transmission process of a PU packet

    Figure 2.  Transmission process of an SU packet

    Figure 3.  Throughput $\phi$ of SU packets

    Figure 4.  Block rate $\beta$ of SU packets

    Figure 5.  Average delay $W(\lambda_{su})$ of SU packets

    Figure 6.  Change trend for the net benefit of an SU packet

    Figure 7.  Change trend for the social welfare

    Table 1.  Parameter settings in numerical experiments

    slot1 ms
    transmission rate in physical layer11 Mbps
    arrival rate of SU packets0.3
    mean size of an SU packet1760 Byte
    arrival rate of PU packets0.05
    mean size of a PU packet2010 Byte
    feedback probability0.0-1.0
    energy threshold1.0-7.0
    simulation scale3 million slots
    sensing time0.1 ms
    sensing frequency10 times/ms
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    Table 2.  Numerical results for the admission price $F$

    Admission threshold $H$Admission probability $r$Feedback probability $q$Admission price $F$
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