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Design of a single window system for e-government services: the chilean case

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  • The single window concept refers to systems that allow organizations to provide one-stop services to users. This paper describes a model for the design of a single window system in the context of e-government. The model determines which government service procedures should be incorporated into the system, which technology should be used to execute each procedure and the time in the planning horizon at which technology upgrades and incorporation processes should take place, while maximizing the total social benefit associated with these decisions. The proposed model, a mixed integer linear program, is applied to the particular problem faced by the government of Chile a few years ago. The solution generated by the model for this instance is compared to that obtained through the Chilean government's own method for prioritizing the inclusion of procedures into its single window system. When the proposed model was limited to choosing 60 procedures, the number chosen by the Chilean government's method, the solution produced 1.6 times more benefits. With the limit on the number of procedures removed but considering a budget constraint, the model chose 111 procedures that generated 1.85 times more social benefits than those procedures chosen using the government's method.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 90B99, 90B90; Secondary: 90C35.


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  • Figure 1.  Evolution of a procedure's execution technology over time

    Figure 2.  Example of execution relations among procedures

    Figure 3.  Execution relation network showing prerequisite procedures for procedure T206

    Figure 4.  Execution relation network showing prerequisite procedures for procedure T1059

    Table 1.  Attributes contained in the SEGPRES database for each procedure

    NameName of the procedure.
    InstitutionName of the government institution administering the procedure.
    DescriptionBrief description of the procedure.
    DemandEstimate of the number of annual requests for the procedure by type of execution technology and incorporation status in the single window system (i.e., whether or not it belongs to the system).
    Technology levelInformation on the procedure's current execution technology.
    Technology upgradeInformation on the time required for a technology upgrade.
    PrerequisitesList of direct prerequisite procedures.
    SuccessorsList of procedures for which the procedure is a prerequisite (i.e., list of direct successors).
    ClassificationSpecifies the type of procedure (i.e, leaf, root, intermediate or independent).
    Related proceduresList of all directly related procedures (prerequisites plus successors).
    Technology impedimentsInformation on the impediments to the execution of the procedure by a given technology and the estimated time required to overcome the impediments.
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    Table 2.  Procedures chosen for incorporation into the single window system by MPT

    1T14Application for assistance under agreement with National Fund for the Disabled.
    2T29Application for severance pay.
    3T235Application for water rights.
    4T249Application for firearm registration.
    5T289Application for military service status certificate.
    8T354Application for FONASA national health card (first time or renewal).
    7T365Expungement of criminal record.
    8T497Application for change of ground use.
    9T553Application for record of border crossings (entries and exits).
    10T589Request for authorization to lease a fish-farming concession to a third party.
    11T591Request for authorization to transfer a fish-farming concession to a third party a.
    12T598Application for modification of a fish-farming concession.
    13T615Application for expansion of extractive fishing activities.
    14T616Application for extension of extractive fishing activities expiry date.
    15T618Request for fish-farming authorization or later modifications.
    16T622Request for authorization to continue extractive fishing activities
    17T623Authorization to commence extractive fishing activities.
    18T624Authorization to commence hydrobiological resources processing activities.
    19T755Legalization of documents issued in Chile or abroad.
    20T759Request for criminal record.
    21T782Primary medical attention, women's health program.
    22T885Abandoned residence report.
    23T886Renouncement of housing subsidy, unblocking of savings accounts.
    24T899Registration update or modification.
    25T900Transfer of land title by inheritance.
    26T911Application for housing subsidy extension.
    27T921Application for transfer basic housing program registration.
    28T922Application for tourist visa extension.
    29T931Application for permanent residence by student visa holder.
    30T932Application for permanent residence by employment contract visa holder.
    31T933Application for permanent residence by temporary resident visa holder.
    32T1044Declaration of initiation of economic activities and/or national identity number registration for natural persons (Chileans or foreigners).
    33T1064National identify card application for Chileans.
    34T1071Passport application for Chileans.
    35T1073Request for registration of family dependents.
    36T1075Marriage license application.
    37T1076Motor vehicle registration application.
    38T1078Motor vehicle registration transfer.
    39T1088Application for temporary import of goods.
    40T1089Application for temporary import of goods for processing.
    41T1091Private customs warehouse declaration.
    42T1232Request for certification as a private non-profit organization.
    43T1237Request for certification of fish products exports.
    44T1239Permit for exporting bivalve mollusks to the EU
    45T1240Permit for exporting bivalve mollusks to the U.S.
    46T1252Application to commence extractive fishing and report a change of vessel.
    47T1256Application for fish-farming concession.
    48T1262Request for registration as small-scale fisher.
    49T1274Application for radio broadcasting license.
    50T1312Registration of private pension fund management company.
    51T1314Application for retirement, old-age, invalidity or survivor's pension benefits.
    52T1320Personal credit information certificate.
    53T1336Application for temporary/permanent gas transport and distribution permit.
    54T1345Appeal of medical certificate refusal for non-compliance with conditions.
    55T1347Appeal of family allowance refusal.
    56T1348Appeal of refusal of a public service.
    57T1349Appeal of refusal of pension or other benefits.
    58T1369Application for family register passbook.
    59T1382Registration of credit rating agencies.
    60T1404Value-added tax rebate for duty-free zone sales.
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    Table 3.  Procedures chosen for incorporation into the single window system by the proposed model

    Code Procedure
    T95Registration of business in Business Register
    T96Registration of land title
    T98Consultation of Business Register
    T152Application for subsidy to purchase indigenous land
    T197Certificate of registration in Business Register
    T206Application for police and prison guard retirement pension
    T209Application for family allowance for police pensioners
    T255Registration as an importer, exporter, trader, repairer or regular user of firearms).
    T289 Application for military service status certificate
    T354 Application for FONASA national health system card (first registration or renewal
    T361Application for daycare centre
    T474School health program registration
    T510Application for child survivor's pension (Chilean Army)
    T511Application for widow's pension (Chilean Army)
    T549Application for child survivor's pension (Chilean Air Force)
    T550Application for widow's pension (Chilean Air Force)
    T599Application for child survivor's pension (Chilean Navy)
    T600Application for widow's pension (Chilean Navy)
    T617Approval of original fish-farming proposal or modifications
    T713Proof of current registration as a non-profit foundation or corporation
    T715Incorporation of churches and religious organization
    T744Permit for minor child to travel abroad
    T747Legalization of education certificates and degrees
    T757Legalization of photocopies for use abroad
    T769Official translations
    T770Tourist visa
    T771Temporary resident visa
    T772Employment contract visa
    T782 Primary medical attention, women's health program
    T931 Application for permanent residence by student visa holder
    T932 Application for permanent residence by employment contract visa holder
    T933 Application for permanent residence by temporary resident visa holder
    T934Application for student visa
    T935Application for temporary resident visa
    T937Application for employment contract visa
    T1029Online sworn statement or correction
    T1030Online value-added tax return or correction
    T1031Online tax return or correction
    T1050Password for online access to Internal Taxation Service
    T1055Application for criminal record
    T1057Stamping of documents
    T1059Registration of death
    T1060Registration of birth
    T1064 Application for Chilean identity card
    T1066Application for death certificate
    T1067Application for civil marriage certificate
    T1068Application for birth certificate
    T1069Application for family book
    T1071 Application for passport
    T1073 Request for registration of family dependents
    T1075 Application for marriage license
    T1076 Application for motor vehicle registration
    T1085Application for release of body by Coroner
    T1091 Private customs warehouse declaration
    T1098Import of merchandise
    T1237 Request for certification of fish products exports
    T1251Submission of statistical data
    T1254Application for fish-farming authorization
    T1267Certification of origin of fish catch and related products
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    Table 4.  Results for the PRYME problem

    Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5Year 6Total
    Implementation in process7253615280111
    Technology 10000000
    Technology 20000000
    Technology 302301116050
    Technology 40000011
    Technology 5002921141983
    Technology 60000055
    Technology 70000000
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    Table 5.  Procedures chosen by the model in the Legal Status area

    Government entity (Code) Name of procedure
    National Mobilization Directorate- (T289) Application for military service status certificate.
    Ministry of Justice- (T713) Proof of current registration as a non-profit foun-
    -dation or corporation.
    - (T715) Incorporation of churches and religious organiza-
    Ministry of External- (T757) Legalization of photocopies for use abroad.
    Relations- (T769) Official translations.
    - (T770) Tourist visa.
    - (T771) Temporary resident visa.
    - (T772) Employment contract visa.
    Ministry of the Interior- (T931) Application for permanent residence by student
    visa holder.
    - (T932) Application for permanent residence by employ-
    ment contract visa holder.
    - (T933) Application for permanent residence by tempo-
    rary resident visa holder.
    - (T934) Application for student visa.
    - (T935) Application for temporary resident visa.
    - (T937) Application for employment contract visa.
    Civil Register and Identification Service- (T1064) Application for Chilean identity card.
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    Table 6.  Evolution of the execution technology and year of incorporation for Legal Status procedures

    1 2 3 4 5 6 S.V.U.
    T289Tecn. 0Tecn. 2Tecn. 4Tecn. 4Tecn. 4Tecn. 43
    T713Tecn. 0Tecn. 0Tecn. 4Tecn. 4Tecn. 4Tecn. 43
    T715Tecn. 0Tecn. 0Tecn. 4Tecn. 4Tecn. 4Tecn. 43
    T757Tecn. 0Tecn. 0Tecn. 4Tecn. 4Tecn. 4Tecn. 43
    T769Tecn. 0Tecn. 0Tecn. 4Tecn. 4Tecn. 4Tecn. 43
    T770Tecn. 0Tecn. 0Tecn. 4Tecn. 4Tecn. 4Tecn. 43
    T771Tecn. 0Tecn. 0Tecn. 4Tecn. 4Tecn. 4Tecn. 43
    T772Tecn. 0Tecn. 0Tecn. 4Tecn. 4Tecn. 4Tecn. 43
    T931Tecn. 0Tecn. 2Tecn. 4Tecn. 4Tecn. 4Tecn. 43
    T932Tecn. 0Tecn. 2Tecn. 4Tecn. 4Tecn. 4Tecn. 63
    T933Tecn. 0Tecn. 2Tecn. 4Tecn. 4Tecn. 4Tecn. 73
    T934Tecn. 2Tecn. 2Tecn. 4Tecn. 4Tecn. 4Tecn. 53
    T935Tecn. 2Tecn. 2Tecn. 4Tecn. 4Tecn. 4Tecn. 43
    T937Tecn. 2Tecn. 2Tecn. 5Tecn. 5Tecn. 5Tecn. 63
    T932Tecn. 0Tecn. 2Tecn. 4Tecn. 4Tecn. 4Tecn. 73
    T1064Tecn. 0Tecn. 3Tecn. 4Tecn. 4Tecn. 4Tecn. 43
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    Table 7.  Procedures chosen by the model in the Work area

    Government entity (Code) Name of procedure
    Police Social Benefits- (T206) Application for police and prison guard retirement pension.
    Directorate (DIPRECA)- (T209) Application for family allowance for police pen-sioners.
    Internal Taxation Service- (T1050) Password for online access to Internal Taxation Service.
    Civil Register and Identification Service- (T1073) Request for registration of family dependents.
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    Table 8.  Evolution of the execution technology and year of incorporation for Work procedures

    Code Year
    1 2 3 4 5 6 S.V.U.
    T206Tecn. 0Tecn. 3Tecn. 4Tecn. 4Tecn. 4Tecn. 43
    T209Tecn. 0Tecn. 2Tecn. 4Tecn. 5Tecn. 5Tecn. 53
    T1050Tecn. 4Tecn. 4Tecn. 4Tecn. 4Tecn. 4Tecn. 42
    T1073Tecn. 0Tecn. 0Tecn. 5Tecn. 5Tecn. 5Tecn. 53
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