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Interdependent demand in the two-period newsvendor problem

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  • The newsvendor problem is a classical task in inventory management. The present paper considers a two-period newsvendor problem where demand of different periods is interdependent (not independent), and seeks to follow this approach to develop a two-period newsvendor problem with unsatisfied demand or unsold quantity. Concerning the complexity of solution of multiple integrals, the problem is assessed for only two periods. In the course of a numerical solution, the probability distribution function of demand pertaining to each period is assumed to be given (in the form of a bivariate normal distribution). The optimal solution is presented in the form of the initial inventory level that maximizes the expected profit. Finally, all model parameters are subjected to a sensitivity analysis. This model can be used in a number of applications, such as procurement of raw materials in projects (e.g., construction, bridge-building and molding) where demand of different periods is interdependent. Proposed model takes into account interdependent demand oughts to provide a better solution than a model based on independent demand.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: 90B05.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  Process of implementation of the conceptual model

    Figure 2.  Chart of Differences between the proposed model and Matsuyama [17]

    Figure 3.  Chart of the ratio ($\alpha $)

    Figure 4.  Chart of the ratio ($\beta $)

    Figure 5.  Chart of the ratio ($\delta $)

    Table 1.  Classification of the literature

    Reference Fuzzy Single-period Multi-period Multi-product Risk Demand Product Market Discount
    Bouakiz and Sobel [5] 1 1 Independent
    Perakis and Sood [24] 1 Independent Perishable Competitive
    Matsuyama [17] 1 Independent
    Mileff and Nehéz [18] 1 1 Independent
    Burnetas et al. [6] 1 Independent Incremental
    Altintas et al. [2] 1 Independent All-Unit
    Wang and Webster [29] 1 1 Independent
    Behret and Kahraman [4] 1 1 Independent
    Chen and Ho [8] 1 1 Independent
    Zhang [32] 1 Independent All-Units
    Zhang and Du [30] 1 Independent
    Zhang and Hua [31] 1 Independent
    Huang et al. [13] 1 Independent
    Sana [27] 1 Independent
    Chen and Ho [9] 1 1 Independent
    Ray and Jenamani [26] 1 1 Independent
    Ding and Gao [10] 1 Independent
    Kamburowski [14] 1 Independent
    Kamburowski [14] 1 Independent
    Pal and Sana [22] 1 Independent
    Hanasusanto et al. [12] 1 1 Interdependent
    Alwan et al. [3] 1 Interdependent
    Summary 3 10 6 7 4 20 Independent
    2 Interdependent
    1 Perishable 1 Competitive 1 Incremental
    2 All-Unit
    The present study 1 Interdependent
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    Table 2.  Conceptual Model

    Description Period $j$
    Status of demand $L\leq x_j\leq l_j\leq N$ $L\leq l_j\leq x_j\leq N$
    Sale income $q_jx_j$ $q_jl_j$
    Buying cost $p_jl_j$ $p_jl_j$
    Unsold $\left(l_j-x_j\right)$ 0
    Stocked amount $\alpha (l_j-x_j)$ 0
    Holding cost of amount unsold ${{s}}_j\alpha (l_j -x_j )$ 0
    Unsatisfied demand 0 $\beta \left({x_j -{l}}_j\right)$
    Penalty for unsatisfied demand 0 $\pi (x_j -l_j )$
    Order of period j+1 $l_{j+1}-\alpha (l_j -x_j )$ $l_{j+1}+\beta ({x_j-l}_j)$
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    Table 3.  Differences between the proposed model and [17]

    Problem Expected Profit ($H^*$) of Proposed Model Corrolation = -0.5 Expected Profit of Matsuyama [17] Correlation = 0 Gap
    P1 866.59 790.38 8.79%
    P2 2173.1 1983 8.75%
    P3 3486.3 3181.7 8.74%
    P4 4801.6 4382.3 8.73%
    P5 5459.7 4983 8.73%
    P6 6118 5583.9 8.73%
    Mean(Gap) 8.75%
    Variance(Gap) 0.0000061%
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    Table 4.  Sensitivity analysis of the proposed model

    Parameter Result of differentiation Proof
    $\alpha $ $\frac{\partial }{\partial \alpha }H\left(l_1, l_2, x_1, x_2\right)=\frac{p_2-s_1}{\left|p_2-s_1\right|}$ Appendix 3
    Proof 2
    $\beta $ $\frac{\partial }{\partial \beta }H\left(l_1, l_2, x_1, x_2\right)=\frac{\left(\delta q_1+\left(1-\delta \right)q_2\right)-p_2}{\left|\left(\delta q_1+\left(1-\delta \right)q_2\right)-p_2\right|}$ Appendix 3
    Proof 2
    $\delta $ $\frac{\partial }{\partial \delta }H\left(l_1, l_2, x_1, x_2\right)=\frac{q_1-q_2}{\left|q_1-q_2\right|}$ Appendix 3
    Proof 2
    $\pi $ $\frac{\partial }{\partial \pi }H\left(l_1, l_2, x_1, x_2\right)< 0, \;\;\;\;\forall \pi $ Appendix 3
    Proof 2
    $q_1$ $\frac{\partial }{\partial q_1}H\left(l_1, l_2, x_1, x_2\right)>0 \;\;\;\; \forall \ q_1$ Appendix 3
    Proof 3
    $q_2$ $\frac{\partial }{\partial q_2}H\left(l_1, l_2, x_1, x_2\right)>0 \;\;\;\; \forall \ q_2$ Appendix 3
    Proof 3
    $p_1$ $\frac{\partial }{\partial p_1}H\left(l_1, l_2, x_1, x_2\right)<0, \;\;\;\; \forall \ p_1\ \ \ \ \ $ Appendix 3
    Proof 4
    $p_2$ $\frac{\partial }{\partial p_2}H\left(l_1, l_2, x_1, x_2\right) =-l_2+\alpha \left(l_1-\mu _1\right)$
    $+\left(\alpha -\beta \right)\int^{\infty }_{ -\infty }{\int^{\infty }_{l_1}{\left({x_1-l}_1\right)f\left(x_1, x_2\right)dx_1dx_2}}$
    Appendix 3
    Proof 4
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    Table 5.  Sensitivity analysis on expected profit ($H$) of the ratio ($0 \leq \alpha \leq 1$)

    $\alpha $ $H^*$ $l^*_1$ $l^*_2$
    20% 861.47 190.73 240.88
    40% 862.27 195.58 240.88
    60% 863.3 201.73 240.88
    80% 864.65 209.82 240.88
    100% 866.59 220.99 240.88
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    Table 6.  Sensitivity analysis on expected profit ($H$) of the ratio ($0 \leq \beta \leq 1$)

    $\beta $ $H^*$ $l^*_1$ $l^*_2$
    20% 858.4 270.2 240.88
    40% 859.07 266.14 240.88
    60% 860.13 259.76 240.88
    80% 862.04 248.29 240.88
    100% 866.59 220.99 240.88
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    Table 7.  Sensitivity analysis on expected profit ($H$) of the ratio ($0 \leq \delta \leq 1$)

    $\delta $ $H^*$ $l^*_1$ $l^*_2$
    0% 1532.1 271.1 240.88
    20% 1532.5 274.55 240.88
    40% 1533.1 271.1 240.88
    60% 1534 265.4 240.88
    80% 1535.9 254.17 240.88
    100% 1541.3 220.98 240.88
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