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Supervised distance preserving projection using alternating direction method of multipliers

The research of the author was supported by the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission, UK BDCS-2012-44

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  • Supervised Distance Preserving Projection (SDPP) is a dimension reduction method in supervised setting proposed recently by Zhu et. al in [43]. The method learns a linear mapping from the input space to the reduced feature space. While the method showed very promising result in regression task, for classification problems the performance is not satisfactory. The preservation of distance relation with neighborhood points forces data to project very close to one another in the projected space irrespective of their classes which ends up with low classification rate. To avoid the crowdedness of SDPP approach we have proposed a modification of SDPP which deals both regression and classification problems and significantly improves the performance of SDPP. We have incorporated the total variance of the projected co-variates to the SDPP problem which is maximized to preserve the global structure. This approach not only facilitates efficient regression like SDPP but also successfully classifies data into different classes. We have formulated the proposed optimization problem as a Semidefinite Least Square (SLS) SDPP problem. A two block Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers have been developed to learn the transformation matrix solving the SLS-SDPP which can easily handle out of sample data.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 62H30, 68T10; Secondary: 90C25.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  (a) SDPP: Solid lines indicate connection between neighbors. (b-c) Preservation scheme of the local geometry by SDPP

    Figure 2.  Average Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE) with error bars for prediction of test set of Parkinsons Telemonitoring Data Set obtained by SLS-SDPP, SDPP, PLS, SPCA and KDR. The bar diagram represents almost same performance for all the methods in terms of RMSE. In terms of MAE, SLS-SDPP outperforms all other methods

    Figure 3.  Continuity measure with respect to different $ k $ and $ k_r $ for (a) Parkinsons Telemonitoring Data: Figure suggests to choose the neighborhood size $ k = 8 $ since highest continuity measure is obtained at $ k = 8 $ (b) Concrete Compressive Strength Data: Highest continuity measure is obtained at $ k = 10 $ therefore $ k = 10 $ is chosen as the neighborhood size

    Figure 4.  Average RMSE and MAE for test data prediction of Concrete Compressive Strength Data set along different dimension obtained by SLS-SDPP, SDPP, PLS, SPCA and KDR. Best performance achieved by SLS-SDPP at D = 5. The small error bar implies the stability of SLS-SDPP method regardless of training data

    Figure 5.  Classification error rates for different projection dimension computed by algorithm SLS-SDPP, SDPP, SPCA, KDR and FDA. (a)CTG data (b) Seismic bump data (c)Diabetic Retinopathy data (d) Mushroom data. Figures illustrate that best performance is achieved by SLS-SDPP. The error rate for this method remained consistently lower then other methods

    Table 1.  List of datasets used in this article and their sources :

    Dataset Dim Class no. of ins. Source
    Classification Seismic bump 19 2 2584 UCI Repository
    Cardiotocography 21 3 2126 UCI Repository
    Diabetic Retinopathy 19 2 1115 UCI Repository
    Mushroom 22 2 8124 UCI Repository
    Regression Parkinson's Telemonitoring 16 - 5875 UCI Repository
    Concrete Compressive Strength 8 - 1030 UCI Repository
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    Table 2.  Average RMSE and MAE for test set prediction of Parkinson Telemonitoring dataset

    Method RMSE (mean$ \pm $std) MAE (mean$ \pm $std)
    SLS-SDPP 10.6781$ \pm $1.1481 8.3503$ \pm $0.8525
    SDPP 10.7934$ \pm $1.2371 8.7459$ \pm $0.8378
    PLS 10.8133$ \pm $1.2806 8.7822$ \pm $0.8883
    SPCA 10.8006$ \pm $ 1.2449 8.7714 $ \pm $0.8555
    KDR 10.8478$ \pm $ 1.3032 8.8008$ \pm $0.9139
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    Table 3.  Average RMSE and MAE (mean$ \pm $std) for the test set prediction on Concrete Compressive Strength Data Set

    RMSE 1 10.4649$ \pm $1.2072 10.5241$ \pm $1.4220 12.7666$ \pm $2.1539 12.8090$ \pm $2.0429 13.7423$ \pm $2.7046
    2 10.4540$ \pm $1.1356 10.4075$ \pm $1.5903 11.8629$ \pm $1.1837 12.8712$ \pm $1.9074 11.6399$ \pm $2.6641
    3 10.4629$ \pm $1.1648 10.4079$ \pm $1.5915 10.9379$ \pm $1.1096 12.8370$ \pm $1.9316 11.5163$ \pm $2.2178
    4 10.4450$ \pm $1.2848 10.5890$ \pm $1.3303 10.5108$ \pm $1.1943 12.8674$ \pm $1.8353 11.0320$ \pm $1.7599
    5 10.2932$ \pm $0.7866 10.7247$ \pm $1.0038 10.4432$ \pm $1.1883 12.9647$ \pm $1.5969 10.2933$ \pm $1.6597
    6 10.9910$ \pm $0.7200 10.4893$ \pm $0.7228 10.4359$ \pm $1.1480 10.4770$ \pm $1.1142 10.4473$ \pm $1.1485
    7 10.4495$ \pm $0.7052 10.5313$ \pm $0.7228 10.4480$ \pm $1.0746 10.4520$ \pm $1.0604 10.4514$ \pm $1.0952
    8 10.4349$ \pm $1.1134 10.4342$ \pm $1.0034 10.4342$ \pm $1.0034 10.4342$ \pm $1.0034 16.3019$ \pm $1.8078
    MAE 1 8.3879$ \pm $1.0882 8.3687$ \pm $1.0994 10.3995$ \pm $1.7948 10.4451$ \pm $1.6868 10.8884$ \pm $2.3565
    2 8.2339$ \pm $1.2642 8.2338$ \pm $1.2918 9.3977$ \pm $0.8294 10.4484$ \pm $1.5463 9.2285$ \pm $2.3954
    3 8.2288$ \pm $1.3385 8.2342$ \pm $1.3380 8.3771$ \pm $0.6452 10.4125$ \pm $1.5656 8.9818$ \pm $1.6882
    4 8.5898$ \pm $1.1262 8.3935$ \pm $1.1461 8.2199$ \pm $0.7943 10.4553$ \pm $1.4677 8.6622$ \pm $1.3565
    5 8.0177$ \pm $0.7413 8.5133$ \pm $0.8507 8.1563$ \pm $0.8538 10.5221$ \pm $1.3204 8.0167$ \pm $1.2904
    6 8.3434$ \pm $0.7236 8.2713$ \pm $0.5728 8.1612$ \pm $0.8389 8.1860$ \pm $0.7925 8.1659$ \pm $0.8225
    7 8.2747$ \pm $0.5815 8.2820$ \pm $0.5787 8.1869$ \pm $0.7809 8.1872$ \pm $0.7735 8.1868$ \pm $0.7903
    8 8.1852$ \pm $0.7413 8.1842$ \pm $0.7477 8.1842$ \pm $0.7477 8.1842$ \pm $0.7477 13.1814$ \pm $1.5359
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    Table 4.  Average error rate of class prediction of test set for CTG data

    Error Rate 2 0.2251 0.2865 0.2739 0.2593 0.208
    3 0.1940 0.2827 0.2661 0.2992 0.208
    4 0.1949 0.2943 0.3314 0.2427 0.208
    5 0.1969 0.2661 0.3372 0.2437 0.208
    6 0.1969 0.2749 0.2710 0.2115 0.208
    7 0.1988 0.2827 0.2768 0.2193 0.208
    8 0.1979 0.2768 0.2817 0.2300 0.208
    9 0.1988 0.2700 0.2612 0.2315 0.208
    10 0.1949 0.2690 0.2515 0.2412 0.208
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    Table 5.  Average classification error rate of test set for Seismic bump data

    Error Rate 1 0.0328 0.0328 0.0328 0.0328 0.0328
    2 0.0701 0.0707 0.1004 0.0688 0.0328
    3 0.0701 0.0669 0.0694 0.0669 0.0328
    4 0.0701 0.0720 0.0676 0.0720 0.032
    5 0.0701 0.0720 0.0732 0.0726 0.0328
    6 0.0701 0.0713 0.0789 0.0728 0.0328
    7 0.0701 0.0713 0.0789 0.0727 0.0328
    8 0.0701 0.0713 0.0795 0.0729 0.0328
    9 0.0701 0.0713 0.0795 0.0730 0.0328
    10 0.0701 0.0713 0.0795 0.0730 0.0328
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    Table 6.  Average error rate of class prediction of test set for Diabetic Retinopathy data

    Error Rate 1 0.6382 0.6382 0.6382 0.6382 0.6382
    2 0.2678 0.3390 0.2963 0.2934 0.6382
    3 0.2678 0.3105 0.3618 0.2963 0.6382
    4 0.2678 0.3191 0.2877 0.3048 0.6382
    5 0.2678 0.2934 0.2906 0.3134 0.6382
    6 0.2678 0.2849 0.2877 0.3048 0.6382
    7 0.2735 0.3191 0.2963 0.3048 0.6382
    8 0.2707 0.3191 0.2934 0.3134 0.6382
    9 0.2707 0.2906 0.2906 0.3134 0.6382
    10 0.2678 0.3020 0.3077 0.3048 0.6382
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    Table 7.  Average error rate of class prediction of test set for Mushroom data

    Error Rate 1 0.2486 0.2486 0.2486 0.2486 0.2486
    2 0.3555 0.1318 0.2735 0.3037 0.2486
    3 0.2891 0.1266 0.1836 0.2741 0.2486
    4 0.1516 0.2076 0.2020 0.2018 0.2486
    5 0.1648 0.2524 0.1911 0.2311 0.2486
    6 0.1667 0.2524 0.3785 0.3815 0.2486
    7 0.1723 0.2693 0.3653 0.3544 0.2486
    8 0.1728 0.2255 0.3630 0.2587 0.2486
    9 0.1186 0.2655 0.1756 0.1615 0.2486
    10 0.1427 0.2665 0.3545 0.2812 0.2486
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