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Performance evaluation and Nash equilibrium of a cloud architecture with a sleeping mechanism and an enrollment service

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  • Cloud computing makes it possible for application providers to provide services seamlessly and application users to receive services adaptively. By offering services that give users an initial experience, application providers can usually attract more users. This research proposes a type of sleeping mechanism-based cloud architecture where an experience service and an enrollment service are provided on one virtual machine (VM). Accordingly, we model the cloud architecture as a queue with an asynchronous multi-vacation and a selectable extra service. We also analyze the queueing model in the steady state by constructing a three-dimensional Markov chain. Following this, we evaluate the system performance of the proposed cloud architecture based on the energy conservation level of the system and the mean delay of the visitors who select the enrollment service. Moreover, we study the Nash equilibrium strategy of visitors by building an individual welfare function, and develop an improved intelligent search algorithm to investigate the socially optimal strategy of visitors. Aiming to achieve a social optimum, we formulate a pricing policy with a reasonable enrollment fee.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 60K25, 35Q91; Secondary: 90B18.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  Sleeping mechanism-based cloud architecture

    Figure 2.  Trends for the mean delay of the visitors who select the enrollment service

    Figure 3.  Trends for the energy conservation level of the cloud system

    Figure 4.  Trends for the individual welfare $ G_{ind}(\lambda) $

    Figure 5.  Trends for the social welfare $ G_{soc}(\lambda) $

    Table 1.  Iterative algorithm to calculate the rate matrix $ \mathit{\boldsymbol{R}} $.

    Step 1: Setting the error precision $ \varepsilon $ (for example, $ \varepsilon=10^{-8} $). Initialize $ c, \ \lambda,\ \mu_1, $
    $ \mu_2, \ \theta $ and $ q $ as needed. Initialize the rate matrix $ \mathit{\boldsymbol{R}}={\boldsymbol{0}} $ with an order of
    $ m \times m $, where $ m=\left(\dfrac {1}{2}(c+1)(c+2)\right) $.
    Step 2: Tackle $ \mathit{\boldsymbol{Q}} $ by using the consistency technique formula and get $ \mathit{\boldsymbol{Q}}_{c+1,c}' $, $ \mathit{\boldsymbol{Q}}_{c,c}' $
    and $ \mathit{\boldsymbol{Q}}'_{c,c+1}\ \! $.
    $ \mathit{\boldsymbol{Q}}'=\mathit{\boldsymbol{Q}}/U $,
    $ \mathit{\boldsymbol{Q}}_{c+1,c}' =\mathit{\boldsymbol{Q}}_{c+1,c}/U $,
    $ \mathit{\boldsymbol{Q}}_{c,c}' =\mathit{\boldsymbol{Q}}_{c,c}/U $,
    $ \mathit{\boldsymbol{Q}}'_{c,c+1}\ \! =\mathit{\boldsymbol{Q}}_{c,c+1}/U $.
    Step 3: Calculate $ \mathit{\boldsymbol{R}}^* $ by
    $ \mathit{\boldsymbol{R}}^*=\mathit{\boldsymbol{R}}^2\times\mathit{\boldsymbol{Q}}_{c+1,c}'+\mathit{\boldsymbol{R}}\times(\mathit{\boldsymbol{I}}+\mathit{\boldsymbol{Q}}_{c,c}')+\mathit{\boldsymbol{Q}}'_{c,c+1}\ \! $.
    %$ \mathit{\boldsymbol{I}} $ is an identity matrix. %
    Step 4: While{$ ||\mathit{\boldsymbol{R}}-\mathit{\boldsymbol{R}}^*||_\infty$}>ε
    % $ ||{\mathit{\boldsymbol{R}}}-\mathit{\boldsymbol{R}}^*||_\infty = {\max} \Big \{\sum\limits^m_{i=1} \sum\limits^m_{j=1}|r_{i,j}-r_{i,j}^*| \Big \} $, where $ r_{i,j} $ and $ r_{i,j}^{*} $ are
    %elements in $ \mathit{\boldsymbol{R}} $ and $ \mathit{\boldsymbol{R}}^{*} $ respectively.
    $ \mathit{\boldsymbol{R}}=\mathit{\boldsymbol{R}}^* $,
    $ \mathit{\boldsymbol{R}}^*=\mathit{\boldsymbol{R}}^2\times\mathit{\boldsymbol{Q}}_{c+1,c}'+\mathit{\boldsymbol{R}}\times(\mathit{\boldsymbol{I}}+\mathit{\boldsymbol{Q}}_{c,c}')+\mathit{\boldsymbol{Q}}'_{c,c+1}\ \! $.
    Step 5: $ \mathit{\boldsymbol{R}}=\mathit{\boldsymbol{R}}^* $,
    Step 6: Output $ \mathit{\boldsymbol{R}}. $
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    Table 2.  Improved Bat algorithm to obtain $ \lambda^{*} $ and $ G_{soc}(\lambda^{*}) $.

    Step 1: Set the number $ N $ of bats, loudness $ A_0 $, pulse rate $ R_0 $, the maximum
    search frequency $ f_{max} $, the minimum search frequency $ f_{min} $, upper search
    bound $ U_b $, lower search bound $ L_b $, the minimum moving step $ step_{min} $,
    volume attenuation coefficient $ \eta $, searching frequency enhancement factor $ \phi $.
    Set the initial number of iterations as $ iter=1 $, the maximum iterations
    as $ iter_{max} $.
    Step 2: Initialize the position, the loudness and the pulse rate for each bat.
    For $ i = 1 : N $
    $ \lambda_i = L_b +(U_b-L_b)*rand $
    % $ rand $ returns a sample in the interval (0, 1) from the "uniform''
    % distribution. %
    $ A_i= A_0 $
    $ r_i =R_0 $
    Step 3: Calculate the fitness for each bat.
    $ G_{soc}(\lambda_i) = \lambda_i \big( R_1+ q R_2 - \varepsilon \big(qE[T_1]+(1-q)E[T_2]\big) \big)+\psi E[S], $
    $ i \in \{1,2,\ldots,N\} $,
    $ {\lambda^{*}}=\underset {i \in \{1,2,\ldots,N\}} {\rm argmax} \{G_{soc}(\lambda_i)\} $ % $ \lambda^{*} $ is present optimal position.
    Step 4: Calculate the position and the fitness for each bat.
    For $ i=1:N $
    $ f_i = f_{min} +(f_{max}-f_{min})*rand $
    $ v_i = v_i + (\lambda_i -\lambda^{*})f_i $
    $ \lambda_i = \lambda_i+v_i $
    If $ r_i$< rand
    $ \lambda_i = \lambda^{*} + (1/(2 \times iter)+ step_{min}) * randn $
    % $ randn $ returns a sample from the "standard normal'' distribution.
    $ G'_{soc}(\lambda_i) = \lambda_i \big( R_1+ q R_2 - \varepsilon \big(qE[T_1]+(1-q)E[T_2]\big) \big)+\psi E[S] $
    If $ \big(G'_{soc}(\lambda_i)>G_{soc}(\lambda_i)\big)$ and $ \big(A_i>rand )$
    $ G_{soc}(\lambda_i) = G'_{soc}(\lambda_i) $
    $ A_i = \eta A_i $
    $ r_i = R_0(1-exp(-\phi \times iter)) $
    Step 5: Select the optimal position among all the bats.
    $ \lambda^{*}=\underset {i \in \{1,2,\ldots,N\}} {\rm argmax} \{G_{soc}(\lambda_i)\} $.
    Step 6: Check iterations.
    If $ iter< iter_{max} $
    $ iter=iter+1 $, go to Step 4
    Step 7: Output the optimal position $ \lambda^{*} $ and the maximum fitness $ G_{soc}(\lambda^{*}) $.
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    Table 3.  Numerical results for the enrollment fee

    Sleeping parameter Enrollment Socially optimal Maximum social Enrollment
    $ (\theta) $ probability $ (q) $ arrival rate $ (\lambda^{*}) $ welfare $ (G_{soc}(\lambda^*)) $ fee $ (f) $
    no sleep 0.3 2.1256 73.0759 114.5963
    no sleep 0.4 1.8489 68.6578 92.8360
    no sleep 0.5 1.6465 65.3641 79.3976
    0.8 0.3 2.0560 65.4861 105.0306
    0.8 0.4 1.7981 61.9026 85.2437
    0.8 0.5 1.6020 59.2212 73.3388
    0.2 0.3 1.8647 49.7374 78.4550
    0.2 0.4 1.6420 47.9301 69.9957
    0.2 0.5 1.4728 46.6180 60.8772
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