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Supply chain coordination considering e-tailer's promotion effort and logistics provider's service effort

  • * Corresponding author: Zijiao Sun

    * Corresponding author: Zijiao Sun 

This work is supported by the National Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51704140)

Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Figure(9) / Table(4) Related Papers Cited by
  • Promoting the sale of green agriculture products through online platforms has become the main focus of agricultural industries. In a supply chain consisting of an e-tailer and third-party logistics (TPL), both the promotion effort of the e-tailer and the logistics service effort of TPL can affect the demand. Considering that logistics service contracts may be provided by the e-tailer or TPL, this study defines two different timing sequences. Three types of contracts, i.e., fixed-price, revenue-sharing, and cost-sharing contracts, are used to coordinate the supply chain. The game models under different timing sequences and different contract scenarios are established and solved. The promotion effort and logistics service effort under different scenarios are compared theoretically and numerically. The results indicate that both the promotion effort and logistics service effort change with timing sequences and contract types. The timing sequences depending on the contract provider significantly affect the performance of the supply chain. The cost-sharing contract provided by the TPL can motivate the e-tailer to apply the largest effort, and vice versa. The cost-sharing contract provided by the e-tailer can achieve the largest demand that is optimal for both the e-tailer and supply chain. However, the optimal contract for the TPL is conditional.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 91B41, 91B03; Secondary: 90B06.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  Timing sequence when the e-tailer provides the logistics contract

    Figure 2.  Timing sequence when the TPL provides the logistics contract

    Figure 3.  Effect of logistics marginal effort cost coefficient $ {k_2} $ on promotion effort

    Figure 4.  Effect of logistics marginal effort cost coefficient $ {k_2} $ on service effort

    Figure 5.  Effect of logistics marginal effort cost coefficient $ {k_2} $ on blue market demand

    Figure 6.  Effect of logistics marginal effort cost coefficient $ {k_2} $ on e-tailer's expected utility

    Figure 7.  Effect of logistics marginal effort cost coefficient $ {k_2} $ on TPL's expected utility

    Figure 8.  Effect of logistics marginal effort cost coefficient $ {k_2} $ on supply chain's expected utility

    Figure 9.  Effect of logistics marginal effort cost coefficient $ {k_2} $ on logistics service price

    Table 1.  Position of the present paper

    Paper Green topic TPL effort E-tailer effort Contract issue Timing sequence
    Lotfi et al. [26]
    Cai et al. [4]
    Wu et al. [40]
    Shen et al. [37]
    Huang et al. [19]
    Lou et al. [27]
    Gong et al. [16]
    Zhou et al. [51]
    Yang and Tang [45]
    Zhou and Ye [52]
    Qin et al. [34]
    Liu et al. [25]
    Yang et al. [44]
    Matsui [31]
    Present paper
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    Table 2.  Notations and descriptions used in the paper

    Variables Meanings
    $ {c_1} $ The unit cost of the e-tailer
    $ {c_2} $ The unit cost of the TPL
    $ {D_0} $ The market size of green agriculture products
    $ {k_1} $ The effort cost coefficient of the e-tailer
    $ {k_2} $ The effort cost coefficient of the TPL
    $ {p_1} $ The unit price of green agriculture products
    $ \alpha $ The marginal effect coefficient of product price on demand
    $ \beta $ The marginal effect coefficient of promotion effort on demand
    $ \gamma $ The marginal effect coefficient of logistics effort on demand
    $ \varepsilon $ The random factor affecting market demand, $ \varepsilon \sim N(0,\sigma ^2) $
    $ \theta $ The proportion of logistics effort costs shared by the e-tailer, $ 0<\theta <1 $
    $ \varphi $ The revenue-sharing proportion of the e-tailer, $ 0<\varphi <1 $
    $ i $ The subscript $ i $ denotes the $ i $th type contract. That is, $ i=1, 2, 3 $
    denotes the fixed-price, revenue-sharing and cost-sharing contracts
    $ j $ The subscript $ j $ represents the $ j $th decision-maker. That is, $ j=1, 2 $
    denotes the e-tailer and TPL
    Decision variables
    $ {{e}_{ij}} $ The effort level of the $ j $th decision-maker in the $ i $th type contract
    provided by the e-tailer
    $ {{e}^{'}_{ij}} $ The effort level of the $ j $th decision-maker in the $ i $th type contract
    provided by the TPL
    $ {{p}_{i2}} $ The price of the logistics service in the $ i $th type contract provided
    by the e-tailer
    $ {{p}^{'}_{i2}} $ The price of the logistics service in the $ i $th type contract provided
    by the TPL
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    Table 3.  The optimal results

    Contract Provided by Promotion effort Logistics effort Market demand
    Fixed-price (Revenue-sharing) E-tailer $ \frac{-\beta \left( {{k}_{2}}A+{{\gamma }^{2}}B \right)}{{{k}_{2}}(C-2G)} $ $ \frac{\gamma \left[K+\left( C-G \right)B \right]}{{{k}_{2}}\left( C-2G \right)} $ $ \frac{-G\left({k_2} A+\gamma^2 B \right)}{{k_2}\left(C-2G\right)} $
    TPL $ \frac{\beta [(N+C-G)B-K]}{{k_1}\left(C+N-G\right)} $ $ \frac{\gamma\left(\beta^2B+{k_1}A\right)}{2C+N-G} $ $ \frac{(N+C)\left({k_1}A+\beta^2B\right)}{{k_1}\left(2C+N-G\right)} $
    Cost-sharing E-tailer $ \frac{-\beta {\left( {{m}^{2}}{{k}_{2}}A+{{\gamma }^{2}}B \right)}}{{{m}^{2}}C+\left( \theta -2 \right)G } $ $ \frac{\gamma \left[ m\left( K+BC \right)-BG \right]}{{{k}_{2}}\left[ {{m}^{2}}C+\left( \theta -2 \right)G \right]} $ $ \frac{-{{\gamma }^{2}}\left(K+BC\theta+G\right)}{{k_2}\left[m^2C+\left(\theta-2\right)G\right]} $
    TPL $ \frac{\beta[m(N+C)-G]B-mK ]}{m{k_1}\left(2C+N-G\right)} $ $ \frac{\gamma\left({{k}_{1}} A+{{\beta }^{2}}B\right)}{m\left(2C+N\right)-G} $ $ \frac{m(N+C)\left({k_1}A+\beta^2B\right)}{m{k_1}\left(2C+N-G\right)} $
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    Table 4.  Parameter setting

    Parameters $ {c_1} $ $ {c_2} $ $ {D_0} $ $ {k_1} $ $ l $ $ {p_1} $ $ \alpha $ $ \beta $ $ \gamma $ $ \theta $ $ \sigma $ $ \varphi $
    Value 2 4 70 10 2 20 2 9 12 0.5 3 0.4
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