We consider the problem of time-sampling optimization for a Statistical Process Control (SPC). The aim of this optimization is to minimize the expected loss, caused by a delay in the detection of an undesirable process change. The expected loss is chosen as a cubic polynomial function of this delay. Such a form of the expected loss is justified by some real-life problems. The SPC optimization problem is modeled by a nonlinear calculus of variations problem where the functional is minimized by a proper choice of the sampling time-interval. Theoretical results are illustrated by several academic and real-life examples.
In the previous works of the authors, the SPC optimization problem was solved for linear, pure quadratic and quadratic polynomial criteria.
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Optimal control:
Optimal control:
Optimal control:
Optimal sampling time in epidemic control,
Optimal sampling time in epidemic control,
Subcase I.1
Subcase I.2
Subcase I.3
Case II