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Relaxation schemes for the joint linear chance constraint based on probability inequalities

  • * Corresponding author: Shisen Liu

    * Corresponding author: Shisen Liu
Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Figure(2) / Table(2) Related Papers Cited by
  • This paper is concerned with the joint chance constraint for a system of linear inequalities. We discuss computationally tractble relaxations of this constraint based on various probability inequalities, including Chebyshev inequality, Petrov exponential inequalities, and others. Under the linear decision rule and additional assumptions about first and second order moments of the random vector, we establish several upper bounds for a single chance constraint. This approach is then extended to handle the joint linear constraint. It is shown that the relaxed constraints are second-order cone representable. Numerical test results are presented and the problem of how to choose proper probability inequalities is discussed.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: 90C15, 90C25, 90C59.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  Changes of the optimal value in single chance constrained program

    Figure 2.  Changes of the optimal value in joint chance constrained program

    Table 1.  Comparison of different probability inequalities under 0.05 confidence level}

    Inequality Type $ \mathbb{E} $($ \xi_1, \xi_2 $) Var($ \xi_1, \xi_2 $) bound($ \xi_1, \xi_2 $) $ x^* $ optimal value
    Chebyshev (0, 0) ($ 0.1^2, 0.2^2 $) - $ (0.2627, -0.5084)^T $ 0.7634
    Petrov (0, 0) ($ 0.1^2, 0.2^2 $) $ [\pm0.3], [\pm0.3] $ $ (0.2510, -0.5528)^T $ 0.7287
    Hoeffding (0, 0) - $ [\pm0.3], [\pm0.3] $ $ (0.2040, -0.6678)^T $ 0.6584
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    Table 2.  Comparison of different probability inequalities under 0.05 confidence level}

    Inequality Type $ \mathbb{E} $($ \xi_1, \xi_2 $) Var($ \xi_1, \xi_2 $) bound($ \xi_1, \xi_2 $) $ x^* $ optimization value
    Chebyshev (0, 0) ($ 0.1^2, 0.2^2 $) - $ (0.0584, -0.1573)^T $ 1.3251
    Petrov (0, 0) ($ 0.1^2, 0.2^2 $) $ [\pm0.3], [\pm0.3] $ $ (-0.1472, -0.5511)^T $ 1.1078
    Hoeffding (0, 0) - $ [\pm0.3], [\pm0.3] $ $ (-0.0824, -0.8908)^T $ 0.7459
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