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Retail outsourcing strategy in Cournot & Bertrand retail competitions with economies of scale

  • * Corresponding author: Kebing Chen

    * Corresponding author: Kebing Chen 
Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Figure(9) / Table(6) Related Papers Cited by
  • This paper investigates a manufacturer's retail outsourcing strategies under different competition modes with economies of scale. We focus on the effects of market competition modes, economies of scale and competitor's behavior on manufacturer's retail outsourcing decisions, and then we develop four game models under three competition modes. Firstly, we find the channel structure where both manufacturers choose retail outsourcing cannot be an equilibrium structure under the Cournot competition. The Cournot competition mode is less profitable to the firm than the Bertrand competition when the products are complements. Secondly, under the hybrid Cournot-Bertrand competition mode, there is only one equilibrium supply chain structure where neither manufacturer chooses retail outsourcing, when the substitutability and complementarity levels are not sufficiently high. In addition, setting price (quantity) contracts as the strategic variables is the dominant strategy for the direct-sale manufacturer who provides complementary (substitutable) products. Thirdly, both competitive firms will benefit from the situation where they choose the same competition mode. When the products are substitutes (complements), both of them choose the Cournot (Bertrand) competition mode. Finally, we show that the economies of scale have little impact on the equilibrium of the outsourcing structure but a great impact on the competition mode equilibrium.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 91A40, 90B50; Secondary: 91B06.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  Possible regions for equilibrium structures in the pure Cournot competition

    Figure 2.  Possible regions for the more profitable competition mode

    Figure 3.  Possible regions for equilibrium structure in pure Bertrand competition

    Figure 4.  Possible regions for equilibrium structures in the Cournot-Bertrand competition

    Figure 5.  Possible regions for the equilibrium competition mode

    Figure 6.  The effect of the retail outsourcing strategy on $ M_{1} $'s profit when $ M_{2} $ uses direct sales

    Figure 7.  The effect of the retail outsourcing strategy on $ M_{1} $'s profit when $ M_{2} $ uses retail outsourcing

    Figure 8.  The effect of the retail outsourcing strategy on $ M_{1} $'s profit when $ M_{2} $ uses direct sales

    Figure 9.  The effect of the retail outsourcing strategy on $ M_{1} $'s profit when $ M_{2} $ uses retail outsourcing

    Table 1.  Compare and contrast our model with the extant literature

    Article Model Market competition mode Economies of scale Product complementation Outsourcing decision Structure equilbrium Competition mode equilbrium
    Bertrand Cournot
    Chen & Lee [10] Price vs. quantity under R&D competition
    Nariu et al [33] Product-differentiated Cournot competition
    Arya et al [2] Price vs. quantity competition
    Farahat & Perakis [15] Equilibrium profits of price & quantity competition
    Matsumura & Ogawa [30] Choice of a price or a quantity contract in a mixed duopoly
    Fang & Shou [13] Cournot competition between two supply chains
    Zhao et al [44] Pricing of complementary products in dual channel chain
    Atkins & Liang [4] Competitive supply chains with generalised supply costs
    Haraguchi & Matsumura [22] Comparing price and quantity competition
    Din & Sun [12] Choice of prices versusquantities with patent licensing
    Wang et al [39] pricing problem of complementary products
    Our paper Equilibrium analysis under the supply chain competition
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    Table 2.  Equilibrium solutions for the four different structures

    X= CC CD(DC) DD
    Chain i Chain 1(2) Chain 2(1) Chain i
    $ q_{{X_i}}^{*QQ} $ $ \frac{{a - {c_0}}}{{A + b}} $ $ \frac{{({A^2} + 2A - {b^2} - Ab)(a - {c_0})}}{{A({A^2} + 2A - 2{b^2})}} $ $ \frac{{(A - b)(a - {c_0})}}{{{A^2} + 2A - 2{b^2}}} $ $ \frac{{2({c_0} - a)}}{{(b - 4)(b + 2) + 4\theta }} $
    $ \pi _{{X_{Mi}}}^{*QQ} $ $ (1 - \theta ){(q_{C{C_i}}^{QQ})^2} $ $ (1 - \theta ){(q_{C{D_1}}^{QQ})^2} $ $ \frac{{(2 - \theta )A - {b^2}}}{A}{(q_{C{D_2}}^{QQ})^2} $ $ \frac{{(4 - 2\theta - {b^2})}}{2}{(q_{D{D_i}}^{QQ})^2} $
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    Table 3.  Equilibrium solutions for the four different structures

    X chain $ w_{{X_i}}^{*PP} $ $ q_{{X_i}}^{*PP} $ $ \pi _{{X_{Mi}}}^{*PP} $
    CC i NA $ \frac{{a - {c_0}}}{{(2 - b)(1 + b) - 2\theta }} $ $ (1 - {b^2} - \theta ){(q_{C{C_i}}^{*PP})^2} $
    CD 1(2) NA $ \frac{{(1 - b)(2 + b)a + ({b^2} - 2){c_0} + bw_{C{D_2}}^{*PP}}}{S} $ $ (1 - {b^2} - \theta ){(q_{C{D_1}}^{*PP})^2} $
    (DC) 2(1) $ \frac{{(S + 2\theta T)(T + b)a + (ST - Sb - 2\theta Tb){c_0}}}{{2T(S + \theta T)}} $ $ \frac{{ - (T + b)a + b{c_0} + Tw_{C{D_2}}^{*PP}}}{S} $ $ \frac{{(4 - {b^2})(1 - {b^2})}}{{2 - {b^2}}}{(q_{C{D_2}}^{*PP})^2} $
    DD i $ \frac{{Sa - (1 + b)(2 - b)({b^2} - 2){c_0}}}{{S - (1 + b)(2 - b)({b^2} - 2)}} $ $ \frac{{a - w_{D{D_i}}^{*PP}}}{{(1 + b)(2 - b)}} $ $ [\frac{{(4 - {b^2})(1 - {b^2})}}{{2 - {b^2}}} - \theta ]{(q_{D{D_i}}^{*PP})^2} $
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    Table 4.  Equilibrium solutions for the four supply chain structures

    Chain i $ w_{{X_i}}^{*QP} $ $ p_{{X_i}}^{*QP} $ $ q_{{X_i}}^{*QP} $ $ \pi _{{X_{Mi}}}^{*QP} $ $ \pi _{{X_{Ri}}}^{*QP} $
    CC 1 NA $ \frac{{({b^2} - b - 2)(1 - b)(a - {c_0}) + (3{b^2} - 4){c_0}}}{{3{b^2} - 4}} $ $ \frac{{(b - 2)(a - {c_0})}}{{3{b^2} - 4}} $ $ (1 - {b^2}){(q_{C{C_1}}^{*QP})^2} $ NA
    2 NA $ \frac{{({b^2} + b - 2)(a - {c_0}) + (3{b^2} - 4){c_0}}}{{3{b^2} - 4}} $ $ \frac{{({b^2} + b - 2)(a - {c_0})}}{{3{b^2} - 4}} $ $ {(q_{C{C_2}}^{*QP})^2} $ NA
    CD 1 NA $ \frac{{(1 - {b^2})(2 - b)a + (2 - {b^2}){c_0} + b(1 - {b^2})w_{C{D_2}}^{*QP}}}{{4 - 3{b^2}}} $ $ \frac{{(2 - b)a - 2{c_0} + bw_{C{D_2}}^{*QP}}}{{4 - 3{b^2}}} $ $ (1 - {b^2}){(q_{C{D_1}}^{*QP})^2} $ NA
    2 $ \frac{{(1 - b)(2 + b)a - (1 + b)(b - 2){c_0}}}{{2(2 - {b^2})}} $ $ \frac{{(1 - b)(2 + b)a + b{c_0} + 2(1 - {b^2})w_ {C{D_2}}^ {*QP} }}{{4 - 3{b^2}}} $ $ \frac{{(2 - {b^2} - b)a + b{c_0} + ({b^2} - 2)w_{C{D_2}}^{*QP}}}{{4 - 3{b^2}}} $ $ \frac{{4 - 3{b^2}}}{{2 - {b^2} }} {(q_{C{D_2}}^{*QP})^2} $ $ {(q_{C{D_2}}^{*QP})^2} $
    DC 1 $ \frac{{(2 - b)a + (2 + b){c_0}}}{4} $ $ \frac{{(1 - {b^2})(2 - b)a + b(1 - {b^2}){c_0} + (2 - {b^2})w_{D{C_1}}^{*QP}}}{{4 - 3{b^2}}} $ $ \frac{{(2 - b)a + b{c_0} - 2w_{D{C_1}}^{*QP}}}{{4 - 3{b^2}}} $ $ \frac{{4 - 3{b^2}}}{2}{(q_{D{C_1}}^{*QP})^2} $ $ (1 - {b^2}){(q_{D{C_1}}^{*QP})^2} $
    2 NA $ \frac{{(1 - b)(2 + b)a + 2(1 - {b^2}){c_0} + bw_{D{C_1}}^{*QP}}}{{4 - 3{b^2}}} $ $ \frac{{(2 - {b^2} - b)a + ({b^2} - 2){c_0} + bw_{D{C_1}}^{*QP}}}{{4 - 3{b^2}}} $ $ {(q_{D{C_2}}^{*QP})^2} $ NA
    DD 1 $ \frac{{({b^3} - 5{b^2} - 2b + 8)a - ({b^3} + 4{b^2} - 2b - 8){c_0}}}{{16 - 9{b^2}}} $ $ \frac{{(1 - {b^2})(2 - b)a + (2 - {b^2})w_{D{D_1}}^{*QP} + b(1 - {b^2})w_{D{D_2}}^{*QP}}}{{4 - 3{b^2}}} $ $ \frac{{2({b^3} - 5{b^2} - 2b + 8)(a - {c_0})}}{{(4 - 3{b^2})(16 - 9{b^2})}} $ $ \frac{{4 - 3{b^2}}}{2}{(q_{D{D_1}}^{*QP})^2} $ $ (1 - {b^2}){(q_{D{D_1}}^{*QP})^2} $
    2 $ \frac{{(8 - 5{b^2} - 2b)a - (4{b^2} - 2b - 8){c_0}}}{{16 - 9{b^2}}} $ $ \frac{{(1 - b)(2 + b)a + 2(1 - {b^2})w_{D{D_2}}^{*QP} + bw_{D{D_1}}^{*QP}}}{{4 - 3{b^2}}} $ $ \frac{{(5{b^2} + 2b - 8)({b^2} - 2)(a - {c_0})}}{{(4 - 3{b^2})(16 - 9{b^2})}} $ $ \frac{{4 - 3{b^2}}}{{2 - {b^2}}}{(q_{D{D_2}}^{*QP})^2} $ $ {(q_{D{D_2}}^{*QP})^2} $
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    Table 5.  Payoff table for the strategic competition choice of the X supply chain structure

    Supply chain 2
    Cournot Bertrand
    Supply chain 1 Cournot $ (\pi _{{X_{M1}}}^{*QQ},\pi _{{X_{M2}}}^{*QQ}) $ $ (\pi _{{X_{M1}}}^{*QP},\pi _{{X_{M2}}}^{*QP}) $
    Bertrand $ (\pi _{{X_{M1}}}^{*PQ},\pi _{{X_{M2}}}^{*PQ}) $ $ (\pi _{{X_{M1}}}^{*PP},\pi _{{X_{M2}}}^{*PP}) $
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    Table 6.  Equilibrium solutions for the four structures with economies of scale

    Chain i $ \tilde w_{{X_i}}^{*QP} $ $ \tilde q_{{X_i}}^{*QP} $ $ \tilde \pi _{{X_{Mi}}}^{*QP} $
    CC 1 NA $ \frac{{(T + b - {b^2})(a - {c_0})}}{{AT + {b^2}}} $ $ (1 - {b^2} - \theta ){(\tilde q_{C{C_1}}^{*QP})^2} $
    2 NA $ \frac{{(T + b)(a - {c_0})}}{{AT + {b^2}}} $ $ (1 - \theta ){(\tilde q_{C{C_2}}^{*QP})^2} $
    CD 1 NA $ \frac{{(2 - b)a - 2{c_0} + b\tilde w_{C{D_2}}^{*QP}}}{{ - U}} $ $ (1 - {b^2} - \theta ){(\tilde q_{C{D_1}}^{*QP})^2} $
    2 $ \frac{{(U - 2\theta T)(T + b)a + [U(T - b) + 2\theta bT]{c_0}}}{{2T(U - \theta T)}} $ $ \frac{{( - T - b)a + b{c_0} + T\tilde w_{C{D_2}}^{*QP}}}{{ - U}} $ $ (\frac{U}{T} - \theta ){(\tilde q_{C{D_2}}^{*QP})^2} $
    DC 1 $ \frac{{(U - 2\theta T)(A - b)a + [U(b + A) - 2\theta b(T + Ab)]{c_0}}}{{2A[U + 2\theta (1 - {b^2} - \theta )]}} $ $ \frac{{(A - b)a + b{c_0} - A\tilde w_{D{C_1}}^{*QP}}}{{2\theta {b^2} - U}} $ $ \frac{{U + 2\theta (1 - {b^2} - \theta )}}{{ - A}}{(\tilde q_{D{C_1}}^{*QP})^2} $
    2 NA $ \frac{{(2 + b)(1 - b)a + ({b^2} - 2){c_0} + b\tilde w_{D{C_1}}^{*QP}}}{{2\theta {b^2} - U}} $ $ (1 - \theta ){(\tilde q_{D{C_2}}^{*QP})^2} $
    DD 1 $ \frac{{U[ - {b^3} + 5{b^2} + 2b - 8 + 2\theta (2 - {b^2})]a - (2 - {b^2})[5U + 4\theta (b - {b^2} - 3)]{c_0}}}{{(3{b^2} - 4)(9{b^2} - 16) + 2\theta (4 - {b^2})(5{b^2} - 8) + 8{\theta ^2}(2 - {b^2})}} $ $ \frac{{2(\tilde w_{D{D_1}}^{*QP} - {c_0})}}{{ - U}} $ $ (\frac{{4 - 3{b^2}}}{2} - \theta ){(\tilde q_{D{D_1}}^{*QP})^2} $
    2 $ \frac{{U(b - 2)a - 2(U - 4\theta ){c_0} + 4(U - 2\theta )\tilde w_{D{D_1}}^{*QP}}}{{Ub}} $ $ \frac{{(2 - {b^2})(\tilde w_{D{D_2}}^{*QP} - {c_0})}}{{2\theta {b^2} - U}} $ $ (\frac{{4 - 3{b^2}}}{{2 - {b^2}}} - \theta ){(\tilde q_{D{D_2}}^{*QP})^2} $
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