With the applications of big data, the research of real-time pricing method for smart grid has become increasingly important. Based on the demand side management and the real-time pricing model, the social welfare maximization model of smart grid is considered. We transform it by Karush-Kuhn-Tucker condition, then the social welfare maximization model is transformed into a nonsmooth equation by Fischer-Burmeister function. Then, taking advantage of simple calculation and small storage, we propose a new smoothing conjugate gradient method to solve real-time pricing problem for smart grid based on the social welfare maximization. Under general conditions, the global convergence of the new proposed method is proved. Finally, the numerical simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed method for solving the real-time pricing problems for smart grid based on the social welfare maximization.
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Figure 3. Electricity consumption of Numerical Simulation Experiment $ 1 $ based on algorithm in [53]
Figure 5. Optimal electricity price of Numerical Simulation Experiment $ 1 $ based on algorithm in [53]
Figure 7. Utility of optimal electricity price of Numerical Simulation Experiment $ 1 $ based on algorithm in [53]
Figure 9. Cost of optimal electricity price of Numerical Simulation Experiment $ 1 $ based on algorithm in [53]
Figure 11. Social welfare value of Numerical Simulation Experiment $ 1 $ based on algorithm in [53]
Figure 13. Electricity consumption of Numerical Simulation Experiment $ 1 $ based on algorithm in [53]
Figure 15. Optimal electricity price of Numerical Simulation Experiment $ 1 $ based on algorithm in [53]
Figure 17. Utility of optimal electricity price of Numerical Simulation Experiment $ 2 $ based on algorithm in [53]
Figure 19. Cost of optimal electricity price of Numerical Simulation Experiment $ 2 $ based on algorithm in [53]
Figure 21. Social welfare value of Numerical Simulation Experiment $ 2 $ based on algorithm in [53]
Figure 22. Electricity consumption of Numerical Simulation Experiment $ 1 $ based on Newton method in [26]
Figure 23. Optimal electricity price of Numerical Simulation Experiment $ 1 $ based on Newton method in [26]
Figure 24. Electricity consumption of Numerical Simulation Experiment $ 1 $ based on Newton method in [26]
Figure 25. Optimal electricity price of Numerical Simulation Experiment $ 1 $ based on Newton method in [26]
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The utility function of users
Electricity consumption of Numerical Simulation Experiment
Electricity consumption of Numerical Simulation Experiment
Optimal electricity price of Numerical Simulation Experiment
Optimal electricity price of Numerical Simulation Experiment
Utility of optimal electricity price of Numerical Simulation Experiment
Utility of optimal electricity price of Numerical Simulation Experiment
Cost of optimal electricity price of Numerical Simulation Experiment
Cost of optimal electricity price of Numerical Simulation Experiment
Social welfare value of Numerical Simulation Experiment
Social welfare value of Numerical Simulation Experiment
Electricity consumption of Numerical Simulation Experiment
Electricity consumption of Numerical Simulation Experiment
Optimal electricity price of Numerical Simulation Experiment
Optimal electricity price of Numerical Simulation Experiment
Utility of optimal electricity price of Numerical Simulation Experiment
Utility of optimal electricity price of Numerical Simulation Experiment
Cost of optimal electricity price of Numerical Simulation Experiment
Cost of optimal electricity price of Numerical Simulation Experiment
Social welfare value of Numerical Simulation Experiment
Social welfare value of Numerical Simulation Experiment
Electricity consumption of Numerical Simulation Experiment
Optimal electricity price of Numerical Simulation Experiment
Electricity consumption of Numerical Simulation Experiment
Optimal electricity price of Numerical Simulation Experiment