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Design and optimization of a novel supersonic rocket with small caliber

  • *Corresponding author: Xiaobing Zhang

    *Corresponding author: Xiaobing Zhang
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  • It's difficult to meet the design requirements of a rocket with sensitive parameters using the traditional methods. This paper develops a design and optimization concept for a lightweight solid-propellant rocket with a small caliber and a high Mach number. The structural design and numerical modeling depend on the interior ballistic methodology. The model is validated by comparing pressure-time data from simulation and experiment. A modified evolutionary algorithm with constraints is applied because of the interactive design parameters and conflicting objects. The launch performance is improved by single- and multi-objective optimization. Under unchanged interior ballistic performance conditions, the peak pressure is reduced by 46.4%, and the erosive peak ratio is reduced by 46.4%. Despite the constraints, the Mach number is improved by 4.9%, the total impulse is improved by 6.3%, the peak pressure is reduced by 92.5%, and the erosive effects are reduced by 38.1% using different optimal solutions. A Pareto front is obtained by a constrained NSGA-Ⅱ, which reveals non-linear and non-uniform relations among design objects. A tidying method is proposed for a clear Pareto front. It indicates that, despite the sensitive parameters, launch safety and higher velocity are possible. The results help designers choose the best design schemes.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 90B50, 90C29; Secondary: 68M20.


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  • Figure 1.  A design framework of the MDO problem

    Figure 2.  An integrated solution flow for rocket design

    Figure 3.  Structural sketch for small-caliber rocket

    Figure 4.  The three combustion stages in solid-propellant rocket chamber

    Figure 5.  Procedure of NSGA-Ⅱ with two modules

    Figure 6.  Comparisons of P-t traces between numerical calculation and experiment

    Figure 7.  Initial P-t and F-t curves of numerical simulation

    Figure 8.  Convergence curves of single-object optimization when $ A $ = 5%

    Figure 9.  Initial Pareto front of multi-objective optimization

    Figure 10.  Pareto front after tidying up

    Figure 11.  Comparison of special Pareto-optimal points

    Figure 12.  Motor interior ballistic performance

    Figure 13.  Three degree-of-freedom trajectory validation

    Table 1.  Propellant ingredients in validation case

    Ingredients Value
    Ammonium perchlorate (AP) 83%
    Hydroxy-terminated polybutadiene (HTPB) 11.9%
    Oxamide 5%
    Carbon black 0.1%
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    Table 2.  Charge & motor parameters in validation case

    Parameters Value
    Burning rate coefficient (mm/s/Pa$ ^n $) 0.0038
    Burning rate pressure index 0.461
    Nozzle throat diameter(mm) 26.416
    Specific heat 1.217
    Propellant web thickness(mm) 22.86
    Propellant length(mm) 692
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    Table 3.  Initial charge parameters

    Parameters Value Parameters Value
    Burning rate coefficient (mm/s/Pa$ ^n $) 0.034 Pressure index 0.358
    Characteristic velocity(m/s) 1341 Temperature factor 1.0
    Propellant density(kg/m$ ^3 $) 1610 Flow rate factor 0.95
    Propellant web thickness(mm) 27.3535 Specific heat 1.25
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    Table 4.  Initial motor parameters

    Parameters Value Parameters Value
    Length-to-diameter proportion 18.75 Nozzle throat diameter(mm) 18.0
    Nozzle expansion ratio 1.6 Nozzle exit diameter(mm) 28.8
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    Table 5.  Parameters of initial performance with erosive effects

    Parameters Value Parameters Value
    Equilibrium pressure (MPa) 31.3275 Average thrust(kN) 12.8273
    Peak pressure(Mpa) 105.3515 Total impulse(kN $ \cdot $ s) 10.2872
    Max thrust(kN) 40.5700 Burning time(s) 0.801
    Erosive peak ratio 3.3629 Max Mach number 2.5510
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    Table 6.  Parameters of initial performance theoretically

    Parameters Value Parameters Value
    Equilibrium pressure (MPa) 31.3275 Average thrust(kN) 11.2740
    Peak pressure(Mpa) 31.3275 Total impulse(kN $ \cdot $ s) 10.2815
    Max thrust(kN) 12.0287 Burning time(s) 0.911
    Erosive peak ratio 1.0000 Max Mach number 2.5517
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    Table 7.  Optimal design parameters. The size of nozzle throat becomes smaller to enhance the interior ballistic performance, with reduced erosive effects

    $ A $ $ r_p $ $ {P_{\rm{eq}}} $/MPa $ B $ $ e $/mm $ d_{\rm{t}} $/mm $ A_{\rm{t}} $/mm$ ^2 $
    0.1% 1.8018 31.3586 + 0.1% 19.8536 19.7633 306.7656
    1% 1.7993 31.6407 + 1% 19.8536 19.7043 304.9377
    5% 1.7884 32.8938 + 5% 19.8536 19.4502 297.1239
    10% 1.7748 34.4605 + 10% 19.8536 19.1497 288.0125
    15% 1.7619 36.0264 + 15% 19.8536 18.8663 279.5513
    20% 1.7492 37.5927 + 20% 19.8536 18.5984 271.6681
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    Table 8.  Optimal rocket parameters. The peak pressure and maximum propulsion force are increased but the change of average thrust ($ {F_{\rm{ave}}} $) and maximum Mach number ($ M_{\rm{max}} $) fluctuate because of different burn time. $ {F_{\rm{m}}} $ is the maximum thrust

    $ A $ $ {P_{\rm{m}}} $/MPa $ {F_{\rm{m}}} $/kN $ {F_{\rm{ave}}} $/kN $ I $/kN$ \cdot $s $ t $/s $ M_{\rm{max}} $
    0.1% 56.5028 26.2026 15.2652 9.0061 0.589 2.3231
    1% 56.9306 26.2440 15.1632 9.0065 0.593 2.3221
    5% 58.8283 26.4259 15.4245 9.0075 0.583 2.3236
    10% 61.1599 26.6331 15.3745 9.0091 0.585 2.3225
    15% 63.4747 26.8312 15.5617 9.0098 0.578 2.3232
    20% 65.7580 27.0144 15.4561 9.0105 0.582 2.3219
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    Table 9.  Relevant optimal motor parameters. The ratio of nozzle throat area to sectional area of charging channel is decreased and the ratio of burning surface area of solid propellant to nozzle throat area is increased

    $ A $ $ m $/kg $ \Delta $/(g/cm$ ^3 $) $ {\text{æ}}_0 $ $ J $ $ K_{\rm{N}} $
    0.1% 4.2276 1.2890 388.4005 0.4504 862.2808
    1% 4.2276 1.2890 388.4005 0.4478 867.4496
    5% 4.2276 1.2890 388.4005 0.4363 890.2617
    10% 4.2276 1.2890 388.4005 0.4229 918.4257
    15% 4.2276 1.2890 388.4009 0.4105 946.2236
    20% 4.2276 1.2890 388.4005 0.3989 973.6809
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    Table 10.  Primary optimum solutions. The four special points, A, B, C, and D, represent the boundary points of Pareto front. The goal for minimum peak pressure, minimum erosive effects, and maximum Mach number can be attained by different points of the Pareto front, and their threshold is determined by these special points

    $ {P_{\rm{m}}} $/MPa $ r_p $ $ I $/kN$ \cdot $s $ e $/mm $ d_{\rm{t}} $/mm $ d_{\rm{e}} $/mm $ t $/s $ t_{\rm{max}} $/s $ M_{\rm{max}} $
    A 7.9447 2.2001 8.1926 19.854 40 50 1.161 1.161 2.0913
    B 59.977 1.7818 9.1996 19.854 19.301 33.745 0.594 0.578 2.3668
    C 59.993 4.3926 10.93 28.251 23.372 50 1.024 1.021 2.6762
    D 18.792 2.082 7.7942 19.854 29.745 32.239 0.849 0.849 2.0185
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