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A hybrid metaheuristic algorithm for the multi-objective location-routing problem in the early post-disaster stage

  • *Corresponding author: Fuqiang Lu

    *Corresponding author: Fuqiang Lu 
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  • Disasters such as earthquakes, typhoons, floods and COVID-19 continue to threaten the lives of people in all countries. In order to cover the basic needs of the victims, emergency logistics should be implemented in time. Location-routing problem (LRP) tackles facility location problem and vehicle routing problem simultaneously to obtain the overall optimization. In response to the shortage of relief materials in the early post-disaster stage, a multi-objective model for the LRP considering fairness is constructed by evaluating the urgency coefficients of all demand points. The objectives are the lowest cost, delivery time and degree of dissatisfaction. Since LRP is a NP-hard problem, a hybrid metaheuristic algorithm of Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization (DPSO) and Harris Hawks Optimization (HHO) is designed to solve the model. In addition, three improvement strategies, namely elite-opposition learning, nonlinear escaping energy, multi-probability random walk, are introduced to enhance its execution efficiency. Finally, the effectiveness and performance of the LRP model and the hybrid metaheuristic algorithm are verified by a case study of COVID-19 in Wuhan. It demonstrates that the hybrid metaheuristic algorithm is more competitive with higher accuracy and the ability to jump out of the local optimum than other metaheuristic algorithms.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 90B06.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  A simplified diagram of location-routing problem

    Figure 2.  Encoding scheme

    Figure 3.  An example of the encoding scheme

    Figure 4.  The change curve of sigmoid function

    Figure 5.  The change curve of unimproved $ E $

    Figure 6.  The change curve of improved $ E $

    Figure 7.  The flow chart of IHDH

    Figure 8.  The geographical location information of the 7 candidate delivery centers and the 13 demand points

    Figure 9.  The iterative convergence curve of IHDH

    Figure 10.  The convergence curves of the average of 30 running results

    Figure 11.  The box-plot for the seven metaheuristic algorithms

    Table 1.  Explanations of corresponding notations

    Notation Explanation
    $ I $ Set of candidate distribution centers.
    $ J $ Set of demand points.
    $ K $ Set of vehicles.
    $ Q $ Maximum supply of relief materials.
    $ Q_{1i} $ Maximum capacity of distribution center $ i $.
    $ Q_{2k} $ Maximum capacity of vehicle $ k $.
    $ C_{1i} $ Construction and operation costs of distribution center $ i $.
    $ C_{2k} $ Unit transportation cost of vehicle $ k $.
    $ q_j $ Demand of demand point $ j $.
    $ \lambda_j $ Urgency coefficient of demand point $ j $.
    $ d_{ij} $ Distance between node $ i $ and node $ j $.
    $ t_{ijk} $ Time for vehicle $ k $ to transport from node $ i $ to node $ j $.
    $ u_j $ Quantity of relief materials received at demand point $ j $.
    Decisions variables
    $ z_i $ Whether candidate distribution center $ i $ is employed.
    $ y_{ijk} $ Whether vehicle $ k $ delivers relief materials from node $ i $ to $ j $.
    $ x_{ij} $ Whether demand point $ j $ is served by distribution center $ i $.
    $ X_{ij} $ Quantity of relief materials provided by distribution center
    $ i $ to demand point $ j $.
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    Table 2.  The overall vehicle delivery routes of the example

    Vehicle number Delivery route of the vehicle
    1 $ 3 \longrightarrow 6 \longrightarrow 8 \longrightarrow 3 $
    2 $ 1 \longrightarrow 4 \longrightarrow 1 $
    3 $ 3 \longrightarrow 3 $
    4 $ 1 \longrightarrow 5 \longrightarrow 7 \longrightarrow 1 $
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    Table 3.  The comparison results between the precise algorithm and the hybrid metaheuristic algorithm in the small scale experiment

    Solving algorithm Fitness CPU time (s)
    Precise algorithm 1.2763 224.169
    Metaheuristic algorithm 1.2814 3.465
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    Table 4.  The parameters of candidate delivery centers

    Candidate delivery center Number Cost (CNY) Capacity (kg)
    Wuhan Railway Station 1 40000 20000
    Wuchang Railway Station 2 36000 18000
    Hankou Railway Station 3 34000 17000
    Huashannan Railway Station 4 32000 16000
    Tangxunhu Railway Station 5 30000 15000
    Tianhe International Airport 6 40000 20000
    Hannan General Airport 7 34000 17000
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    Table 5.  The parameters of demand vehicles

    Number of vehicles Cost (CNY) Velocity (km/h) Capacity (kg)
    1–3 8000 45 320
    4–6 9000 45 360
    7–10 10000 45 400
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    Table 6.  The parameters of demand points

    Demand point Number Demand (kg)
    Jiangan District 8 5100
    Jianghan District 9 9400
    Qiaokou District 10 9700
    Hanyang District 11 4600
    Wuchang District 12 8900
    Qingshan District 13 4200
    Hongshan District 14 4500
    Hannan District 15 3900
    Caidian District 16 2400
    Jiangxia District 17 1700
    Huangpi District 18 1400
    Xinzhou District 19 1200
    Dongxihu District 20 1900
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    Table 7.  The relevant information of the 13 districts in Wuhan on February 29

    Number Cumulative cases Additional cases Percentage Density (/km$ ^{2} $) GDP (CNY)
    8 4300 183 0.4466% 11993 $ 1335.9 \times 10^8 $
    9 7290 191 0.9989% 25797 $ 1428.5 \times 10^8 $
    10 7239 739 0.8331% 21689 $ 874.18 \times 10^8 $
    11 3579 407 0.5342% 6007 $ 761.39 \times 10^8 $
    12 8224 351 0.6398% 19904 $ 1522.04 \times 10^8 $
    13 2958 143 0.5592% 9261 $ 863.14 \times 10^8 $
    14 4999 351 0.2918% 2988 $ 1058.58 \times 10^8 $
    15 1517 47 1.1154% 474 $ 1643.53 \times 10^8 $
    16 1974 120 0.2515% 718 $ 400.53 \times 10^8 $
    17 1661 196 0.1683% 489 $ 948.8 \times 10^8 $
    18 1775 106 0.1727% 456 $ 1071.1 \times 10^8 $
    19 1018 22 0.1111% 626 $ 951.61 \times 10^8 $
    20 2588 65 0.4304% 1214 $ 1351.63 \times 10^8 $
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    Table 8.  The weights of these evaluation indicators

    Evaluation indicator Indicator weight
    Cumulative cases 0.181597
    Additional cases 0.191141
    Percentage 0.161722
    Density 0.35917
    GDP 0.10637
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    Table 9.  The urgent coefficients of the 13 districts in Wuhan

    Number of demand points Urgent coefficient
    8 0.0879481
    9 0.155844
    10 0.18134
    11 0.0765009
    12 0.145336
    13 0.0749613
    14 0.0624538
    15 0.0583092
    16 0.0450429
    17 0.0323935
    18 0.0247054
    19 0.0244273
    20 0.0307375
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    Table 10.  The specific information of the selected distribution centers in the optimal LRP scheme

    Number of selected delivery centers Capacity (kg) Actual supply (kg)
    1 20000 17000
    2 18000 8400
    3 17000 17000
    5 30000 12600
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    Table 11.  The vehicle delivery routes in the optimal LRP scheme

    Number of vehicles Delivery route of the vehicle
    1 $ 1 \longrightarrow 20 \longrightarrow 19 \longrightarrow 18 \longrightarrow 13 \longrightarrow 1 $
    2 $ 5 \longrightarrow 16 \longrightarrow 11 \longrightarrow 5 $
    3 $ 5 \longrightarrow 17 \longrightarrow 15 \longrightarrow 5 $
    4 $ 2 \longrightarrow 12 \longrightarrow 2 $
    5 $ 1 \longrightarrow 8 \longrightarrow 14 \longrightarrow 1 $
    6 $ 1 \longrightarrow 1 $
    7 $ 3 \longrightarrow 10 \longrightarrow 3 $
    8 $ 3 \longrightarrow 3 $
    9 $ 5 \longrightarrow 5 $
    10 $ 3 \longrightarrow 9 \longrightarrow 3 $
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    Table 12.  The specific information of the demand points in the optimal LRP scheme

    Number of demand points Urgency coefficient Demand (kg) (kg) Quantities received (kg)
    8 0.0879481 5100 5100
    9 0.155844 9400 7300
    10 0.18134 9700 9700
    11 0.0765009 4600 4600
    12 0.145336 8900 8400
    13 0.0749613 4200 4200
    14 0.0624538 4500 3900
    15 0.0583092 3900 3900
    16 0.0450429 3400 2400
    17 0.0323935 1700 1700
    18 0.0247054 1400 1400
    19 0.0244273 1200 500
    20 0.0307375 1900 1900
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    Table 13.  The experiment results of these metaheuristic algorithms

    Algorithm Best fitness Worst fitness Average fitness Standard deviation Average iterations to its optimum Time (s)
    SA 1.5038 1.6284 1.5557 0.0342 599 3.762
    DPSO 1.5821 1.6807 1.6201 0.0337 503 4.753
    WOA 1.5515 1.6512 1.5952 0.0328 459 5.668
    SOA 1.5065 1.6351 1.5859 0.0373 481 5.343
    BWO 1.5006 1.6649 1.6005 0.0472 514 2.805
    HDH 1.5131 1.6058 1.5701 0.0274 372 6.164
    IHDH 1.4029 1.5056 1.4595 0.0365 251 13.567
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