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Analysis on the in-app advertising contract of a mobile platform and two competitive app developers

  • *Corresponding author: Xiao-chen Sun

    *Corresponding author: Xiao-chen Sun 

The second author is supported by NSFC grant 72132007

Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Figure(3) / Table(1) Related Papers Cited by
  • Moblie platform is an online store for distributing mobile apps and designed to connect mobile app developers and users. Mobile platform launches in-app advertisement for their advertisers to monetize the mobile app market. Unlike traditional advertising, the profitability of in-app advertising is not only affected by the decision of the platform, but also by the decision of the app developer, and they will share the advertising revenue. We develop an app advertising revenue sharing model with two competitive app developers and one mobile platform. The mobile platform is the leader, and the two app developers are the follower. Our analysis shows that the two app developers may choose to publish or not publish adds. If publishing, app developers may choose to offer a free app with in-app ads, or choose to offer a paid app with in-app ads. These results can be categorized into seven ranges for the platform's given revenue share of advertisement. In addition, we find the platform's optimal choice of ad revenue share is affected by the quality of advertisement. With the improvement of advertising quality, the revenue sharing ratio will first remain unchanged, then decrease, and finally increase. This is caused by the platform's subsidization strategy for app developers.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 91B41, 91B06; Secondary: 91A06.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  Market Structure

    Figure 2.  Seven decision intervals for the platform

    Figure 3.  The trend of $ r_{AX} $ about $ V_A $

    Table 1.  Summary of Notation

    Decision variables
    $ r_{AX} $ Platform P's ad revenue-sharing percentage with X
    $ r_{AY} $ Platform P's ad revenue-sharing percentage with Y
    $ P_X $ X's App price
    $ P_Y $ Y's App price
    Other variables
    $ n_X $ App demand of X (number of participating app X users)
    $ n_Y $ App demand of Y (number of participating app Y users)
    $ n_{AX} $ Ad demand in app X
    $ n_{AY} $ Ad demand in app Y
    $ \pi_P $ Platform owner's profit
    $ \pi_X $ App X developer's profit
    $ \pi_Y $ App Y developer's profit
    $ \pi_{AX} $ Advertiser's profit by placing advertisements in app X
    $ \pi_{AY} $ Advertiser's profit by placing advertisements in app Y
    $ P_{AX} $ X's ad price
    $ P_{AY} $ Y's ad price
    $ r_{SX} $ Platform P's app sales revenue-sharing percentage with X
    $ r_{SY} $ Platform P's app sales revenue-sharing percentage with Y
    $ v_X $ App user's valuation for the app of X
    $ v_Y $ App user's valuation for the app of Y
    $ m $ Total number of potential advertisers
    $ \beta $ Probability of each ad in the app appearing in the ad slot
    $ \gamma $ Nuisance cost when the ad space in the app is filled with an ad
    $ v_A $ An advertiser's valuation for advertising
    $ V_A $ Maximum advertiser's valuation for advertising
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